Shirley Rowe March 27, 2013
Who – developed the certification? Why should you become certified? Need for Career Development Facilitators (CDF) What Is a Career Development Facilitator and what is covered? Twelve competencies When and Where can you complete training? How can you receive training? GCDF Certification 2
4 Largest career development organization Provides service to those involved with or interested in career development
5 College and University Counselors Workforce Development Professionals Counselor Educators and Researchers K-12 Counselors and Educators Graduate Students Private Practitioners Disability Service Providers Non-profit Organizations Corrections Professionals
6 Teachers Guidance Counselors ANYONE Else Parents Employers Career Specialists Learning Coordinators Active and willing participants
7 Build skills and knowledge in areas that are new to you Enhance and develop skills that you use every day in your work
8 Pennsylvania Maryland Colorado California New York Tennessee North Carolina Minnesota Michigan South Carolina GCDF certifications
9 Many individuals currently providing career assistance have not received training in the field Provides standards, training specifications and credentialing for career services providers
The Numbers: People in the US workforce – M College graduates in 2012: 2.3 M Pre-K through 8 th graders enrolled in 2012: 39.1 M High school students enrolled in 2012: 15.7 M College students enrolled in 2012: 20.7 M 10
Projections for 2020: Pre-k through 8th grade students enrolled: 41.6 M High school students enrolled: 16.3 M College students enrolled: 23.0 M 11
12 Government Workforce development Corrections Schools Elementary High school Non-profit agenciesColleges/UniversitiesPrivate consultancy settingsCorporate human resources
13 Career group facilitator/Job search trainer Human resource coordinator/Intake interviewer Employment/placement specialist Career development case manager/Career coach Occupational and labor market information resource person Workforce development staff person Career resource center coordinator
14 Person working in a career services setting or who incorporates career development information or skills in their work with students, adults, clients, employees, or the public. A CDF receives 120 hours of in-depth career development training provided by a nationally trained and qualified instructor.
16 HELPING SKILLS Be proficient in the basic career facilitating process while fostering productive interpersonal relationships. LABOR MARKET INFORMATION Understand labor market and occupational information and trends. Be able to use current resources. ASSESSMENT Comprehend and use (under supervision) both formal and informal career development assessments with emphasis on relating appropriate ones to the population served. DIVERSE POPULATIONS Recognize special needs of various groups and adapt services to meet those needs.
17 ETHICAL AND LEGAL ISSUES Follow CDF code of ethics. Be aware of relevant current legislative regulations. CAREER DEVELOPMENT MODELS Understand career development theories, models, and techniques as they apply to lifelong development, gender, age, and ethnic background. EMPLOYABILITY SKILLS Know job search strategies and placement techniques, especially in working with specific groups. TRAINING CLIENTS AND PEERS Prepare and develop materials for training programs and presentations. Conduct training.
18 PROGRAM MANAGEMENT/IMPLEMENTATION Understand career development programs and their implementation. Work as a liaison in collaborative relationships. PROMOTION AND PUBLIC RELATIONS Market and promote career development programs with staff and supervisors. TECHNOLOGY Comprehend and use career development computer applications. CONSULTATION Accept suggestions for performance improvement from consultants or supervisors.
Many options ◦ Year-round ◦ Nationwide calendar calendar 19
20 Traditional Face-to-Face Format approximately 80+ classroom hours 40+ hours of assignments and/or field experience eLearning (Hybrid) Format participants work at their own pace minimum of 24 classroom hours approximately 80+ hours of assignments and/or field experience
The instructor may schedule contact hours via SKYPE (or comparable interface) instead of meeting face-to-face. The remote interface must include the capability to have real-time visual and audio contact with learners. 21
A CDF is eligible to receive a Global Career Development Facilitator (GCDF) credential ◦ A certification through the Center for Credentialing and Education (CCE), a subsidiary of the National Board for Certified Counselors (NBCC).Center for Credentialing and Education (CCE)National Board for Certified Counselors (NBCC) 22
23 *The required number of years of experience varies depending on the applicant’s level of education completed Complete an approved CDF course that addresses the 12 CDF competencies Satisfy a certain number of years of work experience related to the CDF competencies* Apply for GCDF certification through CCE
24 Spring 2012 Bulgaria492 Canada12 China2864 Cypress9 Germany581 Greece37 Japan4399 Korea33 Macedonia32 New Zealand5 Romania323 Taiwan39 Turkey100 International Total8926 United States10844 Total19770
25 Increasing need for career development services all over the world Worldwide economic forces Many seeking out services in locating a job or changing careers
In order to maintain their certification, CDFs must: ◦ engage in continuing education activities ◦ remain abreast of current information in the career development field. 26
Contact Shirley Rowe via at or connect with her via LinkedIn