OXFORD BRANCH Presentation for GA Conference 2010
What we offer Lectures during the year aimed at GCSE/6 th Formers but also adult members Conference for Teachers in conjunction with the ISWG of the GA. Revision Conference for AS and A2 Pupils A Primary meeting for KS1 and 2 Teachers A visit each year since 2008 to the Olympic Site for Teachers The Worldwise Quiz – 2 evenings – with one for KS 3 and one for GCSE candidates 2009 winners were Wheatley Park School (GCSE) and Magdalen College School (KS3) CPD for Teachers
Example of YearlyProgramme 2009 Tuesday 6 th October (The New Hall, St Edward’s School) 7.30 pm The Pilgrim Lecture CLIMATE AND GLACIERS IN EURASIA Dr Maria Shahgedanova. (University of Reading) (This lecture will interest AS and A2 Level students, University graduates, post graduates and all Geographers. This sponsored lecture is open to non members of the GA.) Tuesday 13 th October(The North Wall, St Edward’s School) 5pm CLIMATE CHANGE AND FOOD SECURITY Dr John Ingram (Oxford University) (This lecture will be of interest to AS and A2 Level students,University graduates, Institutions and all environmentalists and those interested in climate change) Tuesday 3 rd November (The North Wall, St Edward’s School) 5pm DESERTIFICATION. Professor David Thomas.(Oxford University) (This lecture will be of interest to all AS and A2 Level students as well as all interested in this important environmental topic)
cont Thursday 12 th November(Dragon School, Bardwell Road) 5pm THE GA JUNIOR WORLDWISE QUIZ (This is for School Teams of years 7 and 8 pupils. Teams of 3 pupils can be entered. An entry form will be sent in September to all member Schools) Thursday 26 th November (Oxford High School, Belbroughton Road) 5pm THE GA SENIOR WORLDWISE QUIZ (This is for school teams of Years 9 and 10 pupils. Teams of 3 pupils can be entered. An entry form will be sent in September to all member Schools) 2010 Tuesday 26 th January(The North Wall, St Edward’s School) 5pm ‘HIGH AND DRY’- managing flood risk. Alan Parkinson (GA Secondary Curriculum Development Leader) (This lecture will be of interest to GCSE, AS and A2 Level students and all others interested in this important environmental topic)
Tuesday 9 th February(The North Wall, St Edward’s School) 5pm The Pearson Lecture. ‘FORESTS, FOOD AND FIRE’ – Rainforest politics and natural capital. Andrew Mitchell, (Founder and Director of The Global Canopy Programme, Senior Adviser to ‘The Prince’s Rainforest Project’ and President of the Rainforest Club.) (This lecture will of interest to Undergraduates, AS and A2 Level students as well as all interested in this important environmental topic. Members of The Global Canopy Programme, The Rainforest Club, Earthwatch, The Oxford Centre for Tropical Forests will be guests of the Branch for this lecture. ) Tuesday 23 rd February(The New Hall, St Edwards School) 10am GA CONFERENCE FOR TEACHERS. (organised by the Oxford Branch and ISWG) (Detailed programme and application Form for this Conference will be sent in September) Lectures and Workshops: Nigel Winser, Rob Morris, Alan Parkinson, Nick Lapthorn, Dave Holmes, Jamie Buchanan Dunlop, Diana Freeman and others. Thursday 11 th March BRANCH VISIT TO OLYMPIC SITE IN LONDON.(Meet Stratford Station at 11am) Leader: John Widdowson. (Repeat of last year’s successful trip to continue looking at how teachers can use the area for Fieldwork) Thursday 18 th March (The New Hall, St Edward’s School) 10 am REVISION CONFERENCE FOR AS AND A2 GEOGRAPHY STUDENTS. (Lectures and sessions lead by Dr Garrett Nagle and others on rivers, coasts, population, settlement, biogeography and synoptic papers.) More details will be sent out in October with application form.
Visit to Olympic Site for Teachers
Cluster Groups and Links with Champions
Tuesday 11 th May (Lynams, Dragon School Pre Prep, Woodstock Road) 5pm PRIMARY OXFORD CLUSTER GROUP. Professor Simon Catling, Dr John Halocha, Paula Owens and Paul Baker will lead an update on teaching Foundation to KS 2 geography. This is for Primary and Prep School teachers and will centre on teaching geography as part of the new primary curriculum. All this programme is put together by a committee President: Dr Garrett Nagle Secretary: Mrs Misia Newsome Treasurer: Paul Baker Committee: Professor Simon Catling, Nicola Park, Katie Yeo, John Harris We also link with Oxford Champion and with the GA Cluster Groups through Paul Baker who runs these.
What makes up the Membership 62 Adult Individual Members 16 Primary Schools 12 Maintained Secondary Schools 10 Independent Secondary Schools 6 Prep Schools 8 Oxford Colleges includes Oxford Brookes University. ALWAYS LOOKING FOR NEW GA MEMBERS
ATTENDANCE Varies from over 100 at a Lecture down to about 12. Programme vital in this and therefore needs to be lively, varied and lectures need to be relevant for students Each year we send a questionnaire to the members asking them for suggestions on improving our programme
LINKS We have links with Guildford, Lincoln and Norfolk Branch through exchanging programmes and passing on names of Lecturers etc. We link with the Primary Champions programme in Oxford over KS1 and 2 We link with Oxford University School of Geography and the PGCE programme at Oxford and Oxford Brookes University We have valuable support from Frances Soar and others at Solly Street in Sheffield. We regularly invite all schools to attend lectures and other activities and hopefully gain some more GA members through this. The Cluster Group Programme promotes Local Branches in meetings.