NERVOUS SYSTEM Central Nervous system (brain and spinal cord) Peripheral Nervous System (Everything else) PNS branches out from CNS, bring information back and forth Somatic vs Autonomic Voluntary vs automatic Examples?
NEURONS Information arrives at the dendrites Travels down the axon and sent out through the axon terminals to the next neuron’s dendrites Interlaced fingers Myelin sheath is wrapped around the axon to protect it
NEURONS PASSING INFORMATION Gap between neurons is the synapse Information moves across the gap in chemical form Norepinephrine-memory Acetylcholine-movement Dopamine-learning Serotonin-mood
Da Brain….or Three Hindbrain-basics of life Cerebellum-posture, balance, voluntary stuff Medulla- breathing, heart rate, and reflexes Midbrain-smallest part Takes sensory information and passes it along Forebrain-Higher thinking activities
You’re going to lobe this…. (4) Frontal- planning movement, fine motor control, short- term memory Temporal- hearing, advanced visual planning Parietal- body sensations Occipital- vision
LEFT AND RIGHT Who is left brained? Math Logic Speech ability Right side of the body Who is right brained? Visual and Spatial relationships Recognizing patterns Music Art Creativity Intuition Left side of the body
LOOK AT ALL THE BRAINS CAT scan Computerized Axial Tomography Brain x-ray PET scan Positron Emission Tomography Inject a radioactive solution to see which parts of the brain are in use MRI scan Magnetic Resonance Imaging Identifies structure Shows tumors and other brain damage