Click here to begin the review International Business Class Globalization – what does it all mean and why me? Click here to begin the review You know the drill. Click on the correct box to make sure you have the right answer.
Click here to start the review Globalization After doing this review, you should be able to: Discuss what globalization is What are the key drivers Click here to start the review
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Question #1 Globalization is the shift away from a more integrated and interdependent world economy. TRUE FALSE
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Question #2 What has made it easier to globalize business around the world? Increase government protectionism Falling trade barriers Fewer companies going overseas, leading to a shrinking of the world marketplace
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Question #3 Tastes & Currency & Trading barriers Tastes Preference & What two things are starting to converge into a global norm, thus helping to drive globalization? Tastes & Trading barriers Currency & Tastes Preference & Legislation Tastes & Preference
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Question #4 Who is the facilitators of a new, global “norm” trend? governments Individuals multi-national firms
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Question #5 What is the percentage of companies that participate in exporting their products? 35% 70% 90% 80%
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Question #6 Which of the following is not a “push back” to globalization? cultural value systems consumer tastes Legal regulations Availability of improved transportation
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Agricultural Products Question #7 Most global markets currently are markets for? Consumer Products Industrial products Agricultural Products
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Question #8 The markets materials that serve a _____________ need are wanted the world over. Consumer need Universal need Production need
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Question #9 What drives the growth of mini MNEs around the globe? Improved Containerization Improved transportation Location Improved communications
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Stable governmental structure Question #10 Which one of these is NOT a characteristic of Latin American economies? Low growth Stable governmental structure Hyperinflation High debt
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Question #11 Which of the following is NOT a factor of production? Land Capital Labor Transportation
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Question #12 What has driven the global trade in services? Decreased government regulations Communications Increased transportation Reduced trade barriers
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Question #13 The dispersal of production facilities to separate geographical locations was driven by? Improved containerization Decreased transportation costs Reduced production costs Regional Trading Blocks
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Question #14 When conducting business transactions across national borders, the most important thing for managers is to? Know regulations for specific trading blocks Understand government requirements Focus on currency conversion rates
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Question #15 Because of globalization, more nations are joining the ranks o/t developed economies. TRUE FALSE
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Environmental Pressure Question #16 If a foreign company undertakes investments in the United States, this is done because of? Political Pressure Environmental Pressure Trade barriers Labor Pressure
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Question #17 The greatest majority of world out has taken place because of output in United States business has increased. FALSE TRUE
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Question #18 What has been the tangible cause of the globalization of world markets? Technological change Lowering of trade barriers Improved transportation Increasing formation of trade blocs
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Question #19 Decreased transportation costs have led to? Geographically diverse production facilities Longer transportation time Regional trade blocks
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Question #20 The current economic trend in China is … More government control More trade barriers free market activity Less overall foreign investment
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Question #21 The attraction of firms to Eastern Europe is because? Low trade barriers More government control Highly educated labor pool More government control
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Question #22 Why do firms disperse parts of their production process to various parts of the world? To offset legal regulation in the home market Because environmental barriers in home markets have decreased To take advantage of the differences in the cost of FoP
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Question #23 A global web of suppliers yields… Stronger environmental laws Lowering of trade barriers Increased containerization technology Better final product
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Question #24 In 2009 & 2010 drop in global consumer demand led to a 2.3% … Increase in environmental laws Contraction of the world economy Increase in world trade Decrease in trade barrier legislation
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Question #25 Globalization of markets result in a firms finding their home markets … Increasing income potential Under attack from competitors Decreasing costs for labor
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Question #26 Even though global output has been shrinking, cross border trade is increasing. What does this tell us? Production overseas has been declining There is a decline in regional trade blocks National economies are becoming more integrated
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Question #27 Which of following is NOT a result of strengthening economic policies… Deregulation of environmental policies Increased labor wages in the home market Privatization of state owned industry Increased market competition
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Question #28 What major country is seeing a reverse and moving away from the trend of globalization? Canada Brazil Russia Chad
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Question #29 The inability to finance international trade led to the … Increasing in regional trade blocs Contraction of the global economy Reduced wages in home countries Increasing income potential
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Question #30 The driving reason why non-U.S. firms move production activity to low cost labor countries is a desire to … Become part of a regional trade bloc Reduced wages in home countries Be part of the first mover trade process Participate in major foreign markets
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Question #31 Why do many Japanese firms invested in North America and Europe? To offset changes in environmental laws in Japan hedge against possible imposition of trade barriers As a strategy to drive down labor costs in Japan
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Question #32 Why do former communist nations have such great market potential? They are quickly joining regional trade block The labor force is not developed, but has potential to learn They have been traditionally under-served, especially in service markets
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Question #33 Which of the outsourcing functions is easiest for a company to do? Marketing Production facilities Managerial operations Customer service
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Question #34 Commercial jet aircraft have had little if any impact on globalization. TRUE FALSE
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Question #35 Most people in the political majority in industrialized countries favor a further reduction in trade barriers. FALSE TRUE
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Question #36 The risks associated with global contagion are because of? Cross global labor production Reduction of trade barriers Interlocked financial markets
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Question #37 Who are the leaders in globalization trends? Governments Companies Individual Consumers
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Global transportation costs Question #38 Super freighters and containerization have lead to a dramatic reduction in … Trade barriers Production Quotas Global transportation costs Foreign country wages
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Election of Ronald Reagan Question #39 What world event was the “starting point” for the globalization and increased world trade? End of World War One End of World War Two Election of Ronald Reagan End of the Cold War
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Question #40 Foreign Direct Investment (FDI) is when a business takes a / an _______________ role in business activities outside of its home country. Passive Active
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Question #41 Moore’s Law tell us that… Every 18 months microprocessor speed doubles and price is cut in half Every 18 months microprocessor speed doubles and price doubles Every 18 months microprocessor speed doubles and the price remains the same
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Question #42 The potential for business returns in the former communist countries is high because… The governments are swinging back to totalitarian policies The economies have been closed for more than a ½ century Both young and old are coming together to make the economy work
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Within regional trading blocs Question #43 Containerization has lead to a significantly lowering of shipping costs over … Short Distances Within regional trading blocs Long distances No effect at all
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Test Structure I test will look like the review. Most questions will either be multiple choice or True / False. No essay or fill in the blank. Don’t forget to check the review over the weekend, as I will update info there. Click here to be done
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