Building Capacity for Secondary Data Analysis UPTAP Seminar, Local Government Association, London, 28 November, 2006
First UPTAP call for proposals and project commissioning (£2 million) during summer 2005 Four year programme with aim of “Capacity Building for Secondary Data Analysis” Some projects began in Oct 2005 and Coordinator appointed from Nov 2005 Inaugural conference for researchers in Mar 2006 Programme extended (£1.5 million) in autumn 2006: User Fellowships and Round 2 (Ethnicity) Overview of UPTAP
To build capacity in secondary data analysis amongst early-stage and mid-career researchers To encourage the use and exploitation of large- scale national data sets, thereby adding value to the ESRC’s investment in their collection, preservation and promotion To improve our understanding of demographic and social change in the UK To disseminate knowledge and use of secondary analysis through and beyond the social science community Principal objectives of UPTAP
ESRC National Centre for Research Methods (NCRM) ESRC Research Methods Programme ESRC Researcher Development Initiative ESRC Census Programme ESRC National Centre for e-Social Science (NCeSS) Links with other ESRC initiatives
4 Postdoctoral Fellowships 6 Mid-career Research Fellowships 1 User Fellowship 7 Small Research Grants 3 Large Projects (with linked studentships) Currently, 21 projects involving 31 researchers Initial UPTAP awards
DisciplinesDisciplines represented epidemiology; economics; geography; politics; primary care and social medicine; public health; sociology; social policy OrganisationsOrganisations represented Universities: Birkbeck; Birmingham; Bristol; Dundee; Edinburgh; Imperial; Institute of Education; Leeds; LSE; LSHTM; Manchester; Oxford; St Andrews; Sheffield; Stirling; Surrey; UCL Other: ONS
THEMES Demographic change - residential change Fertility - motherhood - childlessness Living arrangements - childcare Cohabitation - mobility Health - wellbeing - employment Education Identity - ethnicity - segregation Social and political values See flyer for details
British Cohort Study (BCS) British Household Panel Survey (BHPS) British Election Study (BES) British Social Attitudes (BSA) Survey Census of Population (CAS, SMS, SWS, STS) Economic and Social Data Service (ESDS) International English Longitudinal Study of Ageing (ELSA) ‘Ethnic Minority Psychiatric Illness Rates in the Community’ (EMPIRIC) study European Community Household Panel (ECHP) European Social Survey (ESS) European Values Survey (EVS) Family Expenditure Survey (FES) Main British & European Data Sources Used Family Resources Survey (FRS) General Household Survey (GHS) Health Survey for England (HSE) Home Office Citizenship Survey (HOCS) Labour Force Survey (LFS) Millennium Cohort Study (MCS) Multinational Time Use Study (MTUS) ‘Muslims in Europe’ (ME) study National Child Development Survey (NCDS) National Survey of Ethnic Minorities (NSEM) ONS Longitudinal Study (LS) Mid-year Population Estimates Vital Statistics (VS) Youth Cohort Study (YCS)
UPTAP web site UPTAP Communications Strategy UPTAP User Fellowships - Provides the opportunity for a early- stage/mid-career researcher in a user organisation to work on secondary data within an academic centre of excellence with the help of an academic mentor Importance of collaboration and communication beyond the academic sector
Policy Impacts on Fertility and Maternal Employment 1 Policy Impacts on Fertility and Maternal Employment Understanding the effect of public policy on fertility Sarah Smith (University of Bristol) Comparing early maternal employment in the UK and US: evidence from the first sweeps of the UK Millennium Cohort Study and the US Early Childhood Longitudinal Study Denise Hawkes (Institute of Education) 2 Relevance of Understanding Population Trends and Processes UPTAP from an ESRC perspective Ian Diamond (Chief Executive, ESRC) Policy relevance of UPTAP John Pullinger (Chair of UPTAP Steering Group) Lunch Today’s programme
3Policy Implications of Changing Deprivation, Well-being and Ethnic Participation The micro-geography of UK demographic change Phase 2: Changing area deprivation Paul Norman (School of Geography, University of Leeds) Exploring geographies of happiness in Britain and the implications for public policy Dimitris Ballas (Department of Geography, University of Sheffield) Labour market trajectories of minority ethnic groups in Britain: Yaojun Li (Department of Sociology, Birmingham University) and Anthony Heath (Department of Sociology, Oxford University) 3.30 Close Afternoon session
UPTAP Co-ordinator John Stillwell School of Geography University of Leeds Leeds LS2 9JT