Vitaly Klyuev, Software Engineering Lab, room 342-C Software Engineering Lab is looking for students who are interested in Software Engineering for Internet Applications
Vitaly Klyuev, Software Engineering Lab, room 342-C What is Software Engineering? The right software, delivered defect free on time and on cost, every time
Vitaly Klyuev, Software Engineering Lab, room 342-C Information -Technology Promotion Agency SEC was established in October 2004: To cope with the biggest challenge of Japan industry To professionally develop software To deploy the valued software Role of the University of Aizu: To provide innovative software engineering methods and processes To graduate specialists in software engineering University of Aizu
Vitaly Klyuev, Software Engineering Lab, room 342-C Mission of the Software Engineering Lab Software Engineering Lab concentrates on developing new methods involving students in projects Feedback to focus research better Controlled experiments Joint trial engineering experiments New technology IPA SEC UBIC
Vitaly Klyuev, Software Engineering Lab, room 342-C Why Software Engineering for Internet Applications? The importance of the Internet and its influence on our lives is increasing Mobile technologies spread wide very quickly nowadays
Vitaly Klyuev, Software Engineering Lab, room 342-C The most common tasks performed on the Web? Searching The most frustrating tasks performed on the Web? Searching
Vitaly Klyuev, Software Engineering Lab, room 342-C How is it possible to find appropriate information easily and quickly?
Vitaly Klyuev, Software Engineering Lab, room 342-C Understanding Documents According to several estimations, the amount of data created in the last two years is as big as the accumulated data in all human history. This exponential growth trend continues. aaccording1 sseveral1 eestimation1 aamount1 ddata2 ccreate1 … ccontinue1 SourceIndex
Vitaly Klyuev, Software Engineering Lab, room 342-C Understanding Documents static boolean isPrime(int n){ if (n <= 2) { return n == 2; } if (n % 2 == 0) { return false; } for (int i = 3, end = (int)Math.sqrt(n); i <= end; i += 2) { if (n % i == 0) { return false; } } return true; } sstatic1 bboolean1 iisPrime1 iint3 nn5 {{5 iif3 <<=2 224 …… }}5 Source Index
Vitaly Klyuev, Software Engineering Lab, room 342-C Main Problem of Information Retrieval LLack of a language model A natural language processing technique can provide researchers only with morphological analyzers. They are helpful in segmenting texts in Asian languages and classifying components of sentences in many other languages. IIntuition-based heuristics behind approaches
Vitaly Klyuev, Software Engineering Lab, room 342-C Distributed Architecture advantage: the index of collected documents from the net may be huge disadvantage: search results are relatively poor server indexing service communication clients
Vitaly Klyuev, Software Engineering Lab, room 342-C Creating Web Collections BBy hand We cited the author of one such collection which is a guide to philosophy on the Internet: “As of February 16, 2003, I will no longer update this guide. After eight years online, this is a hard decision but one forced by the press of other work. I plan to leave it online indefinitely and hope that enough links are still alive to make it useful.” AAutomatically ??? SSemi automatically We advocate this style
Vitaly Klyuev, Software Engineering Lab, room 342-C Crawling the Web Recom. documents Relevant documents Queue URLs Document core Filter
Vitaly Klyuev, Software Engineering Lab, room 342-C Problems awaiting solutions What is a language model?
Vitaly Klyuev, Software Engineering Lab, room 342-C Problems awaiting solutions How to retrieve information from the homogenous (topic related) datasets?
Vitaly Klyuev, Software Engineering Lab, room 342-C Problems awaiting solutions What is a personal search engine?
Vitaly Klyuev, Software Engineering Lab, room 342-C Problems awaiting solutions Japan is becoming the number one country in mobile application technologies. What should be done to keep the world leading position?
Vitaly Klyuev, Software Engineering Lab, room 342-C What does it mean: A Good Software Engineer? He is good at professional knowledge
Vitaly Klyuev, Software Engineering Lab, room 342-C What does it mean: A Good Software Engineer? He is good at talking to clients and good at understanding their requests and problems
Vitaly Klyuev, Software Engineering Lab, room 342-C What does it mean: A Good Software Engineer? He is good at Japanese and English writing as well; he is good at explanations of software implementation details
Vitaly Klyuev, Software Engineering Lab, room 342-C What does it mean: A Good Software Engineer? He is able to work as an individual and as a member of a team; he is able to be a manager, a leader of a project and an ordinary member as well
Vitaly Klyuev, Software Engineering Lab, room 342-C Where to Come Vitaly Klyuev Software Engineering Lab Room 342-C