1 Nano Technology in Textile Application National Taipei Uiversity of Technology Professor: Syang-Peng Rwei Sept. 27, 2006.


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Presentation transcript:

1 Nano Technology in Textile Application National Taipei Uiversity of Technology Professor: Syang-Peng Rwei Sept. 27, 2006

2 Introduction Nano Material Definition: 1 – 100 nm, many Physical properties are affected such as melting temperature, conductivity, UV absorption. Nano powder, Nano Fiber and Nonwoven, or Nanopattern on membrane or bulk-surface.

3 Share of production by end-uses Based on volume produced 2004

4 Increasing customer demands Hydrophobic Hydrophilic Anti-bacterial Barrier/Breathability Antistatic Stretch Smart/Intelligent Flame retardancy UV-absorption Added value

5 Nano technology in textile application 型態關鍵技術運用 奈米微粉 (Powder) 奈米尺寸材 料 維結構控制、微粒化技術 母粒製造、表面處理、相容化劑 機能添加劑、光觸媒、反應劑染 顏料 奈米纖維 (Fiber) 奈米尺寸纖維製造 自我組織技術 各式機能性纖維、吸附過濾材無 機纖維、補強材、衣著、傢飾 奈米尺寸材 料應用 混練、分散技術、後加工處理、複 合紡絲 薄膜 (Membrane) 熔膠凝膠技術、分散技術、雙軸延 伸技術 各式機能性薄膜、過濾材、包裝 材耐熱材料、接著材、光控薄膜 Macromolec ule 合成、插層、分散技術 分子控制 機能性高分子、補強材、包裝材、 薄膜、塗佈材料 生物擬態材 料 (Sol-Gel) 奈米技術應 用 生物構造模擬、蛋白質合成 基因重組、控制 高強力蜘蛛絲、細菌纖維素纖維 微機電 (Mems) Nanoprint, Biochip 細微加工技術 智慧型織物、紡織設備、細微零 件 檢測 (measuring) 檢測技術各式檢驗

6 Examples of functions imparted Within the bulk of fiber On the surface of fiber In the structure of yarns and fabrics In the coated/Laminated layer  High modulus/strength  Water repellency  Permeability, strength  Barrier/comfort

7 The methods of producing nanofibers 1. Self-assembly 2. Bacteria Celluose 3. Nanofibers spinning --Conjugate spinning --Electro spinning --Produced nanofiber in polymerization --Molecule discotics spinning

8 1. Self-assembly method Self-assembly method ( SAM) is nano material system regulation another essential method. At present still was the research trial scope, has not been able the commercial use. 分子的自我組成為固態晶格結構、化學鍵和凡德瓦力 (Van der Waals) 的交互作用力 ( 又稱為分子辨識 Molecular recognition) , Forms the bigger special geometry shape the atom or the molecular unit polymer. Using the high polymer self- composition and the polymerization, at present the scientists can make most minor diameter 3nm nano level textile fiber.

9 2. Bacteria Celluose Microorganism grows the textile fiber diameter using Asedobakuda Aseti approximately between the 20~50nm bacterium cellulose.(Nonwoven membrane) This textile fiber has crystal high , modulus , The use machine uses the cloth membrane to the acoustic loudspeaker gill. Chemical structure of Kadoran

Nanofibers spinning – Conjugate spinning Conjugate spinning produced S/I fiber 。 At present in the laboratory has been able to make 1,100 islands 0.001d (approximately 100nm) microfiber 。 S/I fiber

Nanofibers spinning – Electro spinning Drawing polymer in the electric field 。 Latent applies to does nonweave primarily, like separation membrane, medical surgical dressing, light quality compound material and wisdom textile fiber and so on. Electro spinning model

12 Nanofibers spinning – Electro spinning ElectroSpun polyester fibers x3000

Nanofibers spinning – Produced nanofiber in polymerization This method may make the diameter is only 30~50nm, namely only approximately ordinary textile fiber diameter 1 crystal textile fiber. Utilizes to the compound material, the electronic installation, including the automobile part, the electronic installation, the rope, fishes the line and the sports facility.

14 This PE fiber have higher strength PE fiber’s molecular weight is 10 time in general PE fiber PE nanofiber 3.3 Nanofibers spinning – Produced nanofiber in polymerization

Nanofibers spinning – Molecule discotics spinning Polymer solution or liquid spinning 。 Monomer spinning 。 Molecule discotics spinning model

16 Nanofibers with added value function Anti-bacterial Flame retardancy UV-absorption Electro-conductivity Viscosity adjustment

17 Market potential for anti- microbial fibers source : Trevira

18 Electro-conductive fibers Anti-static apparel

19 Electro-conductive fibers Smart clothing

20 Plasma Coating Ceramic coating on textile fabrics Simulating Nanopriniting Oil repellency test according to AATCC 118

21 Multifunctionality of Microstructured Surfaces

22 Generating Color Effects by Surface Topography

23 Dendritic polymers dendrimershyperbranched

24 Dendritic polymer Synthesis

25 Viscosity comparison with Regular Acrylic Polymers Boltorn® P500

26 Nanopowder for Flame Retardant Reconsidering nano scale Al(OH) 3, A Nonhalogen and nonphosphorous compound.

27 Patents guide SubjectNr. Of patents Textil & fibers Coating & textile Nanotechnology Nanofibers Nano & textile (JP,DE,US) USA European Rest of World 42% 36% 22%

28 Market potentials of nanotechnology relevant technical textiles in the year 2010 Protective Clothing 0.3 million tons Medical and Hygiene 2.4 million tons Sport and Leisurewear 1.4 million tons Transporatation 2.3 million tons Environmental protection 0.4 million tons Industrial applications 3.2 million tons Professional clothes 1.6 million tons

29 Nanotechnolgy based market outlook The total fiber consumption of the seven market segments amounts to 11.6 million tons with an estimated product value of ca us $ 60 billion in the Assuming that in the year 2010, 20% of the these products will be made by using nanotechnology means that the estimated market value for these products that year will be ca US $ 12 billion.

30 Thank you for your attention