Students Stage Sit-ins Many protests were held to end segregation in public places February 1960 four African American students sat at a segregated lunch counter In Greensboro, NC Refused to leave until they were served Action known as a “sit-in” By September 70,000 students were sing this tactic
The Freedom Riders Volunteers who rode buses to segregated bus terminals Summer of 1961 Largely college students Busses were attacked Police refused to provide protection Kennedy used federal marshals to protect riders Justice Department encouraged Interstate Commerce Commission to bring lawsuits against segregation
Kennedy and Civil Rights Kennedy promised civil rights reform in election of 1960 Initially did not follow through Because of his narrow defeat of Nixon He didn’t want to lose Southern support Violence broke out in Birmingham MLKJ was jailed Wrote famous letters Kennedy would not tolerate it anymore Sent troops to restore peace in Birmingham Proposed a new civil rights bill
Trouble in Southern Universities Department of Justice brought many suits for desegregation of schools Kennedy sent federal marshals to enable James Meredith to enter the University of Mississippi Alabama Governor George Wallace prevented desegregation of the University of Alabama at Tuscaloosa Kennedy federalized Alabama National Guard Kennedy saw the importance of legislation against segregation
The March on Washington August 1963 Celebrating 100 Year Anniversary of Emancipation Proclamation 200,000 demonstrators came to Washington MLKJ made his “I Have a Dream” speech A New Civil Rights Act Awakened millions to the movement Showed support to Congress for Civil Rights Bill Following Kennedy’s assassination, LBJ was determined to follow his initiative
Civil Rights Act Johnson utilized remorse over Kennedy’s assassination to get his bill through July 2, 1964 – Civil Rights Act of 1964 Strongest act since Reconstruction All citizens should have equal access to Public facilities Private facilities serving the public forbade discrimination in education Outlawed job discrimination Voting Rights Act of 1965 Paved the way for all African Americans to vote