Management in complexity The exploration of a new paradigm Complexity theory and the Quantum Interpretation Walter Baets, PhD, HDR Associate Dean for Innovation and Social Responsibility Professor Complexity, Knowledge and Innovation Euromed Marseille – Ecole de Management
A quantum interpretation
Gödel’s theorem: 1931 No absolute axiomatic system is possible Relativity theory (Einstein): first part of the 20st century No absolute measurement is possible Quantum mechanics: first part of the 20st century Observation is interpretation Complexity theory (Prigogine): second part of 20st century Emergence, bifurcations, strange attractors
Once holism and complexity accepted we cannot avoid a fundamental question PAULI complementary physics Synchronicity (=occurring–together-in-time) From causal coherence Coincidence (from cause to effect) (occurring together) A-causal links hence….
A quantum interpretation non-locality; synchronicity; entanglement
Mechanistic versus organic: The evolution in business Product oriented Unique distribution channels Control Stability Management by objective Processes are the assets Hierarchical organization Machine thinking (symbolic) Industrial era The client co-creates Multiple channels Emergent processes Change (learning) is the goal Management in change and complexity Learning is the asset Human networks Human thinking (fuzzy) Knowledge era
Some quantum stories Maxwell, Planck and Bohr: introduced criteria such as fertility, beauty and coherence Einstein, de Broglie and Schrödinger: shared a commitment to a continuous wave as a basic physical entity subject to a causal description Heisenberg, Pauli, Jordan and Dirac: we no longer have event-by-event causality and particles do not follow well-defined trajectories in a space-time background In 1935, Schrödinger formulated his famous ‘cat paradox’ Pauli: Background physics has an archetypal origin and that leads to a natural science which will work just as well with matter as with consciousness Pauli accepted that physical values, as much as archetypes, change in the eyes of the observer. Observation is the result of human consciousness
Some quantum stories (2) Polkinghorne: The implication of these observations is that the phenomenon of “entanglement” (non-locality) includes a real remote activity, not simply epistemological, but in fact ontological in nature Polkinghorne (1990): The greater the experience of satisfaction, the more the consciousness of each cell in the body will resonate with the holographic information engraved in the "quantum zero point" (the lowest possible state of energy, in an almost resting, but not quite, situation) of the energy field
So, on the Copenhagen interpretation of quantum mechanics, physical processes are, at the most fundamental level, both inherently indeterministic and non-local. The ontology of classical physics is dead. The heart of the problem is the entanglement (or non-separability) of quantum states that gives rise to the measurement problem. This entanglement makes it impossible to assign independent properties to an arbitrary isolated physical system once it has interacted with another system in the past – even though these two systems are no longer interacting. The non-separability characteristic of quantum systems can be seen as an indication of the ‘holistic’ character of such systems.
A quantum interpretation In the arts: Cara et Murphy In linguistics: Dalla Chiarra et Giuntini In the physical sciences: Pauli In biology: Sheldrake (morphogenetic fields and resonance) In medicine: Chopra, the Ayurveda, but also increasingly in regular medicine
The Bogdanov Singularity The «Wall of Planck» (physical limit) = ‘space’ and 1 ‘time’ dimension Are space and time so neatly divided ? (Prigogine; the DVD) Synchronicity in quantumphysics Bogdanov’s (physics and mathematics): “Avant le big bang”
The Bogdanov Singularity (2) Beyond the « Wall of Planck » ? Before “the big bang” ? There is a fifth dimension, being a fourth of space expressed in imaginary time Time-space really becomes a continuum That singularity has no classical movement anymore (“what is”)
Entrainment (Institute of Heart Math; Physiology of emotions How emotions influence cognition, behavior and health The heart is a highly complex system: a sensory organ, a heart brain (nervous center) That “heart brain” allows us to learn and takes decisions independent from the brain’s cerebral cortex
Entrainment (2) There is a strong interaction through the body via an electromagnetic field Rythms should naturally synchronize on that heart rhythm The same happens between people (pendulum clocks: Huygens) Socio-emotional interaction between mother and child Heart coherence
Research agenda In search of « synchronicity » Can we visualize synchronicity in management What are the organizing principles and what is precisely emergence Emergent concepts in management « Complex Adaptive Systems » as research tools Agents, Neural Networks, Learning systems The contribution of this paradigm for knowledge, learning and innovation in companies Another understanding of innovation Expected contributions
The areas of attention in business in a quantum world Market behavior (the outside world) Human interaction (the inside world) Management learning (innovation, knowledge) In a knowledge society, and that is the big shift that has taken place
A holistic management concept Mechanisticmanagementapproach Systemicmanagementapproach Beliefs, values & culture (identity) PersonalDevelopment (Learner centered) Quantitative approaches Control/performance Management by objectives Models Financial orientation Short term efficiency Production management Dynamic system behavior Management in complexity Management in diversity Knowledge management Community of practices Ecological management Ethics in management Social corporate responsibility Sustainable development The networked economy Emergence, innovation… Historic legitimacy Diversity Sociology Humanism Relativism Complexity Social responsibility Long term perspective Sustainable development Personal development Emotional development Leadership Making a difference Self motivation Joy Involvement Responsibility Respect Individual Collective/ Networked Interior Exterior
ValuesHolistic performance Axis 1: DiversityAxis 7: Sustainable development and Axis 2: Complexitysocial responsibility Personal developmentAxis 8: Knowledge and learning Axis 3: Personal well being Axis 4: Leadership and teamwork Mechanistic performance Axis 5: Financial performance Axis 6: Innovative potential Cassandra©: a holistic diagnostic for sustainable performance Corporate version Personal version
Floors of the « house » of knowing Classical science Noetic science Ayurveda Nature and potential of consciousness Indian « science of life » 1. Mathematics 1. Fractal algebra 1. Matter form 2. Physics 2. Energy physics 2. Ether and astral body (quantum mechanics) 3. Chemistry 3. Vibrational chemistry 3. Energy level (quantum mechanics, quarks) 4. Biology 4. Noetic biology 4. Desire (cells as integrated communities control by the organisms perception) 5. Psychology 5. Energy psychology 5. Capacity to think (perceptions – energy fields) (conceptualization) 6. Intuition, intelligence 7. Consciousness