Landscape (and) Sociology Understanding Czech and European landscapes
Obligatory Trips: (1) Phenomenon of Green Man: short trip in downtown, part of regular lecture (April / May) (1) Phenomenon of Green Man: short trip in downtown, part of regular lecture (April / May) (2) Closing trip - Landscape: Culture and Natural Heritage. Field landscape studies in Czech Paradise, East Bohemia. (May 9 afternoon departure from Prague, and May 11 evening – night arrival back to Prague) (2) Closing trip - Landscape: Culture and Natural Heritage. Field landscape studies in Czech Paradise, East Bohemia. (May 9 afternoon departure from Prague, and May 11 evening – night arrival back to Prague)
Grading System: Mandatory class attendance (2 absences allowed): 20% Mandatory class attendance (2 absences allowed): 20% Student oral presentation: 25% Student oral presentation: 25% Midterm and final tests: 25% Midterm and final tests: 25% Final paper ( words): 30% Final papers are due the last week of class indicated in sylabus Final paper ( words): 30% Final papers are due the last week of class indicated in sylabus
Courses European and Czech traditions of landscape Landscape as human experience and object of science Concept of cultural landscape Limits of bio-ecology in understanding Czech and European landscapes Limits of sociology in understanding landscape Landscape ecology and society Towards landscape sustainability European landscape typologies Changes in European and Czech landscapes Landscape and Globalization Phenomenon of Green Man in Prague Papers due, final consultation Closing landscape studies field trip May 9 afternoon (Friday) departure from Prague, May 11 evening arrival to Prague
Landscape as: Culture – Nature - Continuum Natural patters Cultural patterns
Biology Geology landscape ecology sociology philosophy Field of Landscape sociology
Landscape is… P HYSICAL REALITY ………………G EOLOGY, B IOLOGY GEO - BIO - ECOLOGICAL SYSTEM …..E COLOGY Not simply what we see Way of seeing……………….ART With our eye But interpret it with our mind….PHILOSOPHY Values, symbols…………………CULTURE CULTURAL CONSTRUCT……….SOCIOLOGY
Problems and dichotomies (follow Jay Appleton) Fragmentation of the field of landscape studies – diversity of our origins Landscape in art and science Nomothetic and idiographic studies (general principles „lawmaking“ studies x individual cases) Theory and practice Visual and cultural approaches to the landscape studies (aesthetic appreciations, emotional response to scenic experience x imprint of communities on the landscape including social and cultural construction of landscape)
Problems and dichotomies Processes, perception and phenomena perceived (cultural evolutionary origins of the landscape – an eye for country) New analytical techniques x visual perception by human eye Aplication of statistics replaces automaticly subjectivity by objectivity Analysis is only a part of research x synthesis
Readings Berger, P. L. and T. Luckmann. The Social Construction of Reality: A Treatise in the Sociology of Knowledge, Garden City, NY: Anchor Books, Dansereau, P. M. Inscape and Landscape: The Human Perception of Environment. New York and London: Columbia University Press, Forman, R..T. and M. Godron. Landscape Ecology. New York: John Wiley, Husserl, E. The Crisis of European Sciences and Transcendental Philosophy, English translation for example by D. Carr. Evanston: Northwestern University Press, Klinj, J, Vos, W., eds., From Landscape Ecology to Landscape Science, Kluwer Academic Publisher, Lapka. M., Rikoon, J.S., Cudlínová, E., 2007: Is Globalization overpowering democracy? The challenge for ecology, economy and culture. (M.Lapka, J.S. Rikoon, E. Cudlínová editors). DOKOŘÁN, Prague. ISBN: , 288pp. Lovelock, J. Gaia: A New Look at Life on Earth, 3rd ed.. Oxford: Oxford University Press, Meadows D.H., Meadows D.L., Randers J., Behrens W.W.: The Limits to Growth, London: PAN Books Ltd., Meeus, Johan. Pan-European landscapes. Landscape and Urban Planning, 31 (1995): 57–79. Sauer, C. The Morphology of Landscape, University of California Publications in Geography, 22 (1925): Schama, S. Landscape and Memory. 1st ed. New York: Vintage Books, Wiens, John, ed., Issues and Perspectives in Landscape Ecology. Cambridge Studies in Landscape Ecology. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2005.