Radio Astronomy Frequency Committee in Japan CHIKADA, Yoshihiro (NAOJ) 1The 3rd IUCAF Summer School, 3 June 2010
Role of the Committee Speak up for radio astronomers as the unified public opinions of Japanese astronomy community The 3rd IUCAF Summer School, 3 June Japanese radio astronomers’ community Radio Astronomy Frequency Committee in Japan International regulatory bodies (ITU) National regulatory bodies (Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communications) Industries Regulatory bodies demand for unified opinion
How can we get unified public opinions? Varieties of interest situations – Observing bands HF ↔ sub-mm – Telescope diameter Small 1m ↔ large 64 m – Location cities ↔ mountains – Run by University laboratory ↔ NAOJ Sometimes, there might be conflicts of interests. The 3rd IUCAF Summer School, 3 June 20103
Thus we need a committee to discuss. This is “Radio Astronomy Frequency Committee in Japan ”. The 3rd IUCAF Summer School, 3 June 20104
Structure to Accomplish the Committee’s Role NAOJ is the only one observatory for common use in Japan. It is supported by Japanese astronomers’ community. Thus, it is appropriate to have a division to handle regulatory matters. The 3rd IUCAF Summer School, 3 June Japanese radio astronomers’ community Radio Astronomy Frequency Committee in Japan Steering Committee of NAOJ Steering Committee of NAOJ’s Radio Astronomy Division NAOJ Appointment and/or steeringSupply of members LEGEND
The committee 9 members from NAOJ 12 members from institutes other than NAOJ – Kagosima univ., Keio Univ., Univ. Tokyo, Univ. Hokkaido, Gifu Univ., Yamaguchi Univ., Waseda Univ., Univ. Tohoku, Tokai Univ., Univ. Nagoya, Inst. Space and Astronautical Science, Geospatial Information Authority of Japan 3 out of 9 NAOJ members belong to the Secretary Division of the committee. The 3rd IUCAF Summer School, 3 June 20106
The Secretary Division of the committee We have secretary division of: – 1 full-time personnel – 2 part-time personnel Costs are paid by NAOJ. Backgrounds: – Committees are volunteer-based generally. – Committee members meet and discuss, but are not expected to work. – But we have to work every day to protect radio astronomy against industries. – The solution is to have a secretary division. The 3rd IUCAF Summer School, 3 June 20107
Summary We have to have a national body for each country or region to decide and propose better regulatory ways to the regulatory authorities for radio astronomers. The 3rd IUCAF Summer School, 3 June 20108