Guidance Announcements… January… January…
Semester 2 Guidance Staff… The alphabet is separated by your last name. The semester 1 counsellors in guidance are: -A – Ku: Mr. E. Cooper -Ku –Z:Mrs. B. Cranston
Examinations Examinations take place between Wednesday January 25 th to Tuesday January 31 st. Students taking on-line courses are to see Mr. Cooper to book their examination date Students taking on-line courses are to see Mr. Cooper to book their examination date
Semester 2 Timetable Changes Semester 2 course change forms will be available in guidance as of February 1 st. Students can only be seen once the course change form is signed by a parent or guardian and returned to guidance. Course change requests can only take place pending space availability in courses Course change requests can only take place pending space availability in courses Thank you for your cooperation…
College Applications MUST be completed by Feb 1st. Students who intend to apply to college can start their applications as of November 1 st. Visit in order to complete your registration Applications must be completed at the very latest by Feb 1 st.
Out of Province University Applications Students who have applied to Universities outside of the province are reminded to see Mr. Cooper in guidance. Transcript requests are required…
Volunteer Opportunity: Winchester District Memorial Hospital The WDMH is looking for student volunteers. Interested students are asked to see the volunteer board for more details or visit Mr. Cooper
Universities and College Open Houses… Students who have applied to an Ontario College or University are asked to visit the perspective websites for March Break open house information. All schools are running a March break program See Mr. Cooper for further Information..
2011 Guide to Canadian Universities The Maclean’s Magazine University profile guide is in. Please stop into guidance to see how your prospective school ranked.
Canadian Campus Companion School rankings for 2011 are in. Students are welcome to read “The Campus Companion” to see where school rankings currently are.
Interested in researching College / University Programs??? Students who are interested in researching college / university programs are encouraged to visit the following websites: (Ontario Universities) (Colleges)
Attention Potential grads Are you interested in studying at a University Abroad? The World University Fair is taking place in Toronto and Montreal. Visit for more details Visit for more details
Attention Potential Grads… Needs to check pre-req courses for university programs? Visit You can: –Compare / Contrast Programs –Check tuition rates –Residence –And much more… –SEE MR.COOPER for further details…
Scholarships and Bursaries… Scholarship and bursary information is now available. Potential grads are asked to visit: for further details.
FAST TRACK YOUR CAREER as a technician in the Canadian Navy Interested in joining the Canadian armed forces? The program is Navy subsidized through a community college education plan. Visit for more details.
Interested in joining the RCMP? Various positions are available in the RCMP and openings will be increasing over the next five years. Visit for more details Information pamphlets are available in guidance.
Volunteer Opportunities All volunteer requests have been placed on the website. Check it out All volunteer requests have been placed on the website. Check it out Some new postings are available on the volunteer board outside guidance.
COMMUNITY SERVICE HOURS Community service hour forms are available in the guidance office Students are reminded to keep a copy for their own records.
Exchange Programs Information on student exchanges for next year has arrived. Companies include: STS, Global Journeys, ISE Ontario and many more. See Mr. Cooper for further details or visit
Ireland Celtic Summer Courses Grade 11&12 Celtic Learning Summer Programs 2010 SCOTLAND – ENGLAND – OXFORD - ITALY Program Director – Mark Burke CALL (416) (CELT)
Celtic English Summer London: 6 nights and University of London Oxford: 19 nights and St. Edward’s School -LONDON, OXFORD-
To sign up see guidance or visit Celtic Summer Courses Grade 11&12 Celtic Summer Fun
Student Tutors are available… Students interested in getting a tutor to aid with their studies are to see their guidance counsellor. Thus far, 20 students are on our student tutor list. Subjects available are: math, science, french, english & social sciences.
TUTOR Amanda Casselman - Subjects: English, History, Gr. 9 Science, Geography, Law, Politics, Homework Help, Exam Prep - Available after school Mondays- Fridays - Phone:
Osgoode Youth Health Clinic 8253B Victoria St. (Metcalfe) Wednesdays 11:15a.m. to 3:15p.m. Confidential Services -Sexual Health information -Free condoms -Pregnancy tests -Low cost contraception -STI testing -Counselling For more info:
What the heck is Katimavik!? Katimavik is looking for students who are interested in working at a volunteer program Develop leadership, protect the environment, increase language proficiency skills More info
Kids Help Phone Confidential Counselling Ask questions, express yourself, get informed! Wed counselling: For young people of all ages Trained professional counsellors Free!