Agenda – Tuesday, February 4th


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Presentation transcript:

Agenda – Tuesday, February 4th Biology reading quiz (#4) Notes over parts of the brain The cerebrum The cerebral cortex Homework: NONE

Practice FRQ 4. Assume you are watching a remake of the movie Frankenstein. In the scene you're viewing, the assistant (Igor) is showing Dr. Frankenstein some body parts that he forgot to put in their newly made Sensational Man. Dr. Frankenstein angrily yells at Igor, "You idiot! What will our Sensational Man do without his_______": a.) cones b.) feature detectors c.) optic nerve d.) cochlea e.) olfactory bulb f.) kinesthetic receptors

The Cerebrum Outermost structure of the brain Divided into two hemispheres Each hemisphere has four lobes Makes up 85% of the brain’s weight

The Cerebrum -- Lobes Frontal ____________________________ Parietal ____________________________ Temporal ___________________________ Occipital ____________________________

Cerebral Cortex The gray-matter covering of the cerebrum Carries on thinking and perceiving

Cerebral Cortex Gray matter: No special covering Controls processing, new thoughts, perception, etc. White matter: Covered in myelin sheath, which speeds up electric signals Communicates with the rest of the brain

Motor Cortex Controls body movements Motor cortex in each hemisphere controls the opposite side of the body

Hemispheres Left Hemisphere: Literal interpretation of speech and language Logical reasoning Motor control for right side Processes right side visual field Objective analysis Math skills

Hemispheres Right Hemisphere: Looks “between the lines” Intuition “Reading” emotions Visual & spatial reasoning Motor control for left side Processes left side of visual field Subjective analysis creativity

Agenda – Thursday, February 6th Finish cerebrum notes Corpus Calossum Neuroplasticity Parts of the brain overview Driving analogy Homework: Brain overview analogy due MONDAY

Hemispheres Connected by the corpus callosum

Neuroplasticity Brain’s ability to change and reorganize itself in response to damage (brain “rewires” itself) Neurogenesis: Brain’s recreation of neurons

“Just a shell…driven by mindless instinct” Hindbrain Contains most of the brainstem Oldest part of the brain  “Reptilian Brain” Processes work outside of consciousness “Just a shell…driven by mindless instinct”

Parts of the Hindbrain Medulla: _________________________ Pons: ____________________________ Cerebellum: _______________________

Midbrain Located right above hindbrain Coordinates simple movements with sensory information

Parts of the Midbrain Reticular Formation: ____________________

Forebrain Responsible for most complex behaviors & mental processes MOST processes here work outside of consciousness

Parts of the Forebrain Thalamus: ___________________________ Hypothalamus: _____________________ Hippocampus: ______________________ Amygdala: _________________________ Cerebral Cortex: _______________________ Limbic System

Hindbrain Contains most of the Brainstem Oldest Part of the Brain “Reptilian Brain” Processes work outside of consciousness Parts of the Brainstem: Medulla: Controls Blood Pressure, Heart Rate, & Breathing Pons: Critical to sleep . Also the “Bridge” to the brain. Behind the Brainstem Cerebellum: “Little Brain” that coordinates habitual muscle movements (Tracking Object w/ eyes, Playing instrument, Ice Skating) Also Handles Balance & Coordination Prepare body for possible danger!

Forebrain Responsible for more complex behaviors & mental processes Thalamus: relay center for sensory information except smell Limbic System (Deals w/ Emotion & Memory) Hypothalamus: Controls body temp., sexual arousal, hunger, thirst, & Endocrine System. Also controls Biological Rhythms & is a reward center. Amygdala: Provides emotional context for sensory information. (Linked to aggression & fear) Hippocampus: Encodes information into long-term memory.

Midbrain Located right above Hindbrain Coordinates simple movements w/ sensory information Top of the Brainstem Reticular Formation: Controls level of awareness. (Without it, we fall into a coma)

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