Will my son / daughter be safe, secure and happy? What will the school do to maximise their academic potential.? Will they be supported academically and emotionally ? Will they be given opportunities to increase their confidence and independence?
What feedback will I get about progress? How do report systems work? What are these ‘contracts’ I’ve heard about ? How good were the results last year? ...can I trust this school, these teachers, to deliver on all those areas?
We want to nurture Confident young people Independent young people Successful young people
The Sixth Form Hard working students maximising their potential A harmonious and supportive community Personalised advice and support for progression
Personal development as well as academic success. Induction, Transition to Advanced study, Study skills, Pastoral support, Academic mentoring, Tutorial time, Advice and Guidance, Transition to Further Education, Applications to Higher Education, Progression post 18…….
Prefect system Committees Debating / European Youth Parliament Sports Clubs School show / Music / Drama Work experience Peer mentoring / buddying Responsibility for time management
Student DataParentsExams Subject Progress Others Events
We offer: Experienced and dedicated staff Support and guidance Careful monitoring We require: Parental support for the systems we put in place Student commitment
A level results: 2014 A* / A = 28% A*/ B = 51% A* / C = 73% But the crucial thing is “value – added”: DO students attain their minimum expected grades.
In 17 A level subjects, over 75% of students taking the subject at A level reached or exceeded their target grade. In four subject areas, all students exceeded their target grade.
Guidance and Support Mr Hicklenton (Assistant Headteacher) Dr. Allen (Hd. of sixth form, head of year 12) Mr. Chaudhry(Dep. Hd. Sixth form) TUTORS (9 in Year 12, 8 in Year 13) Mrs. Huntley (Clerical Support)
What advice do our current year 13s have for year 12?
Research – courses, institutions and jobs - Entry requirements - Subject selection UCAS guidance in tutorials Apprenticeship information and CVs Visiting speakers, visits and conferences Mock university and job interviews Specialist discussion groups
Dentistry Medicine Physiotherapy MidwiferyVeterinary Sci. Engineering Media / Journalism Teaching Architecture Social Work Nursing RetailCare Homes Agriculture Journalism Physiotherapy
This year 84% of students that applied through UCAS got a place at University. Of the other 16%: 5 just missed out and are resitting Y13 to improve grades 2 got very high grades and are reapplying to Medicine in 2015 3 commenced apprenticeships / work place training 3 started Further Education Courses at Colleges 3 are taking Gap years and will reapply next year Students secured places at 28 different universities including Durham, Oxford, Leeds, Exeter, Queen Mary’s London, Loughborough, York and Prague.
Sponsored training with KPMG NHS Apprenticeships Art Foundation degree courses Introduction to Nursing courses Vocational courses at College Planned Gap Years with travel then applications later.
Now: Enrolment complete, initial supportive contracts drawn up. 22 nd September: ‘swap and drop’ week – last chance to change subjects. Review of initial contracts. October half term: Grade Cards home – review of contracts. First intervention group. December : Grade cards home – Year 12 interim exams – review of contracts. February: Grade cards home, Higher Education evening and Subject Parent’s evening. Easter: Grade cards and reports Mid May: AS exams Mid June: Return to school and commence A2 work.
When will the new AS and A level qualifications be taught? From 2015 – English language, English literature, biology, chemistry, physics, psychology, art and design, business studies, computing, economics, history, sociology. From 2016 – Mathematics, further mathematics, modern foreign languages (MFL), ancient languages and geography plus the subjects recently announced by DfE - Religious studies; design and technology; drama; dance; music and physical education. From 2017 – all other subjects.
Transport Policy – and no buses available for third year sixth formers Loss of funding for third year sixth formers Terminal examinations and ‘resits’. Government HE quotas gone from 2015 UCAS Post 16 separate reporting
Support, encourage, praise Ask questions, help with research Reduce negative stress – provide work space Help to balance social lives with work Check holiday dates! Keep an eye on the overall picture. Encourage independent learning Seek work experience opportunities Try and remember what it was like being 17