Indices of Deprivation 2010 Overview of the Indices and Data for Rotherham CYPS Voluntary & Community Sector Consortium Presentation 5 th July 2011 Elena Hodgson, RMBC Policy Team
Indices of Deprivation 2010 Commissioned by CLG Produced by Oxford University Updates the previous ID Domains (38 indicators) Index of Multiple Deprivation (IMD) 2008/09 baseline SOA Geography (166 in Rotherham) 6 District Measures districts (-28) Health warnings!
ID Domains & Weighting for IMD Deprivation Domain Weight Income22.5% Employment22.5% Health & Disability13.5% Education, Skills & Training13.5% Barriers to Housing & Services9.3% Living Environment9.3% Crime9.3%
Rotherham Deprivation relative to England % of Rotherham population within English IMD deciles: IMD 2004 IMD 2007 IMD 2010 Most Deprived 10%12% 17% Most Deprived 20%33%32%33% Most Deprived 30%49%46% Most Deprived 50%71%65%68%
Relationships with Deprived Areas % of Rotherham within English IMD 2010 deciles PopBMEPakDLACouncil Homes ASB Most Deprived 10% 17%37%48%25%32%30% Most Deprived 20% 33%54%58%45%62%49% Most Deprived 30% 46%67%71%60%78%63% Most Deprived 50% 68%79%88%79%93%81%
District (2010 rank) Change Rotherham (53) Barnsley (47) Doncaster (39) Wigan (65) St Helens (51) Wakefield (67) Stockton (100) Redcar (48) Sheffield (56) District Comparison Changes in Rank Percentile
IMD 2007 (Wards shown)
IMD 2010 (Wards shown)
Most Deprived SOAs in Top 3% of 32,482 English SOAs SOA Ward Rank East Herringthorpe NorthValley230 (+311) Canklow North Boston Castle434 (+335) Eastwood East Rotherham East641 (+379) Town CentreBoston Castle671 (+818) East Dene EastRotherham East707 (+349) Thrybergh South/ ChesterhillValley736 (+151) MasbroughRotherham West847 (+287) FerhamRotherham West851 (+182) East Herringthorpe SouthValley920 (+595)
Deprivation by Domain England:Top 10% Change Top 20%Top 50% Health33%+8%56%97% Education24%- 4%41%74% Employment22%+ 5%38%71% Income14%+ 1%30%61% Crime11%+ 8%26%67% Environment3%06%31% “Barriers”0%01%12%
Deprivation Drivers In a national context, Rotherham is most deprived in terms of: Health & Disability Education, Skills & Training Employment Income & Crime deprivation above average Child poverty most polarised (15 fold)
Health & Disability Domain 2010
Education & Skills Domain 2010
Employment Domain 2010
Crime Domain 2010
Closing the Gap? IMD Quintiles within Rotherham Average Score 2004 Average Score 2007 Average Score 2010 Change Change Most Deprived 20% Most Deprived 20-40% Average Areas Least Deprived 20-40% Least Deprived 20% Rotherham Average No!
Change 2007 – 10 in WNP Target Areas
Key Messages Deprivation increasing, still Top 20% Health Deprivation most severe Improvements in Education but…. Most deprived areas fared worst Areas with low deprivation doing best New housing has reduced local deprivation scores Polarised Crime, Health, Education & Employment 17.6% deprived of income but…. –23.4% children vs 14.3% working age adults
Policy Challenges Regeneration Initiatives –No plans to replace WNF –Mainstream tackling inequalities Prioritising Resources: –Closing the Gap / No Community Left Behind? –Past initiatives made little lasting impact –Lessons from Eastwood, Chesterhill & Local Ambition –Building sustainable & attractive communities (where people want to live) –Joining-up services Tackling Ill-health & related issues
Links to Priorities Strategic Priority (RMBC / LSP) Relevant Domains Key Policy Issues or Objectives Access to Jobs, Training & Qualifications Employment Education Raising adult skill levels Reducing Long term unemployment Ensure the best start in lifeEmployment Education Health, Income Reducing child poverty Multi-agency prevention & early intervention Providing quality educationEducationRaising attainment and aspiration in most deprived areas Care & Support for vulnerable people HealthSupport for disabled people Health Promotion, Preventative care, Mental health People happy & safe where they live Crime Environment Reducing crime & ASB Housing condition
Action Plan Cascade information within Council & LSP –Influence strategies & priorities –Include findings in service planning –Inform commissioning Check against latest data to update trends Check underlying indicators when published Include in refreshed publications: –Community Strategy –JSNA & “Comprehensive Needs Assessment” –LASOS (