World Climate Research Programme Director’s Report Ghassem R. Asrar Director, WCRP
Outline Staff Members Major Activities since last JSC-30: conferences/meeting/events major publications Budget of 2009 and 2010 Activities planned for 2010/2011
JPS Members WCRP Secretariat is located in Geneva, Switzerland. Ghassem Asrar Director Valery Detemmerman Senior Scientific Officer Vladimir Ryabinin Senior Scientific Officer Roberta Boscolo Communication/Scientific Officer Margaret Lennon Senior Secretary Ann Alturo Administrative Assistant Anne Chautard Administrative Assistant Catherine Michaut French Support Unit located in Paris
CliC Staff CliC Secretariat is located in Tromso, Norway. Daqing Yang Director Tordis Villinger Coordinator
ICPO Staff ICPO Secretariat is located in Southampton, UK. Howard Cattle Director Sandy Grapes Administrative Assistant Carlos Ereno Science Officer, located in Buenos Aires Nico Catalbiano Science Officer Anna Pirani Science Officer, located in Princeton Kate Stanfields Science Officer
IGPO Staff IGPO Secretariat is located in Silver Spring, USA. Peter J. van Oevelen Director Dawn P. Erlich Assistant to Director Shannon Macken Communication and Administrative Officer Richard G. Lawford Science Officer, part-time Paul D. Try Science Officer, part-time Sam Benedict CEOP Science Officer, part-time Yuping Yan Chinese Coordinator, Located in China Robert A. Schiffer Science Officer, part-time
SIPO Staff SIPO Secretariat is located in Toronto, Canada. Norman McFarlane Director Diane Pendlebury Project Scientist Victoria de Luca Office Manager
Workshop on Evaluating and Improving Regional Climate Projections February 2009, Toulouse FRANCE 2 nd Lund Regional-scale Climate Modelling Workshop 4-8 May 2009, Lund SWEDEN Conferences, Meetings, Events-2009
13 Session of the UNFCCC Convention subsidiary bodies for Scientific and Technological Advice 1-12 June 2009, Bonn, GERMANY WCRP contributes to the NWP through various activities: 1.Improving climate models and projections 2.Regional climate downscaling and modelling 3.Decadal climate predictions 4.Capacity building Nairobi Work Programme
Water in a Changing Climate: Progress in Land-Atmosphere Interactions and Energy/Water Cycle Research August 2009 Melbourne AUSTRALIA Conferences, Meetings, Events-2009
High-Level Declaration on the establishment of a Global Framework for Climate Services Development and incorporation of science- based climate information and prediction into planning, policy and practice Conferences, Meetings, Events-2009
OceanObs September 2009, Venice ITALY Conferences, Meetings, Events-2009
April 2009: 30 th Session of JSC, College Park, USA May 2009: 16 th Session of CLIVAR SSG, Madrid SPAIN September 2009: 13 th Session of WGCM, S. Francisco, USA October 2009: 17 th Session of SPARC SSG, Kyoto, JAPAN November 2009: 25 th Session of WGNE, Offenbach GERMANY January 2010: 22 th Session of GEWEX SSG, New Delhi, INDIA February 2010: 6 th Session of CliC SSG, Valdivia, CHILE Conferences, Meetings, Events-2009/10
Major Publications WCRP Implementation Plan and Accomplishment Report were Published in 2009.
Major Publications WCRP at Glance, flyer published in 2009
Major Publications The YOTC Science Plan, a joint WCRP- WWRP/THORPEX International Initiative. More information on:
Major Publications Report of the Executive Council Task Team (EC- RTT) on Research Aspects of an enhanced Climate, Weather, Water and Environmental Prediction Framework. Published in July 2009 Challenges and opportunities in research on climate, weather, water and environment
WCRP Budget
JCRF FUNDS AVAILABLE (CHF) est BALANCE BROUGHT FORWARD53,000818,0001,432,000 WMO1,853,4001,881,4001,898,600 ICSU469,800571,600570,000 IOC125,000143,000137,000 MISC183,000 TOTAL INCOME2,630,0002,596,6002,605,600 TOTAL FUNDS AVAILABLE2,683,1003,414,6004,037,600
WCRP Budget
JCRF EXPENDITURES (CHF) est SALARIES AND RELATED COSTS1,302,8001,342,0551,421,600 OPERATING EXPENSES108,000100,700100,000 MEETING SUPPORT526,000540,000700,000 TOTAL EXPENDITURES1,936,0001,982,7552,221,600
WCRP Budget Project Offices Funding Sources (USD) est GEWEXUSA682,000637,000649,000 CLIVAR UK322,000266,000292,000 USA195,00095,000181,000 ICPO Total517,000361,000473,000 SPARCCanada314,000340,000315,000 CliCNorway194,000208,000234,000 ParisFrance152,000 TOTAL1,859,0001,698,0001,823,000
WCRP Budget Funding for Projects – consultative process –Oct 09 – JPS requested IPOs to consult with SSGs to develop a budget for 2010 with priorities –Dec 09 – JCRF funds allocated to meet highest priority items – 120K USD/project –2010 – Projects implementing highest priority activities – more funding conditional on additional JCRF income
Cross-cutting Activities in WOAP-4, Hamburg, Germany, March 2010 TG Sea-level Variability and Change, Bern, Swiss, March 2010 RCM workshop, Lille France, June 2010 Ice Masses and Sea Level workshop, June 2010 WGCM-14, Exeter, UK, October 2010 WGNE-26, Tokyo, Japan, November 2010 Polar predictability workshop, Bergen, October 2010 Atmospheric Chemistry and Climate Workshop, TBD YOTC-MJO task force meeting, Korea, June 2010 Extreme event – Drought workshop, Barcelona Spain 2011 WCRP Conference, Denver USA, October 2011
WCRP, GCOS, WMO, ICPAC partners 399K USD grant approved April 2009 June 2009 – planning mtg Geneva –Climate info for adaptation to climate change –Three user-oriented workshops April 2010 – first workshop, Nairobi –Focus on climate data and analyses, indices –Lead: Albert Klein Tank, KMNI (ETCCDI co-chair –Local host: Laban Ogallo, ICPAC director World Bank Climate Project: Horn of Africa
2 nd Workshop (tentatively Aug 2010) –Focus on regional climate downscaling and analyses –Lead: Richard Jones, Hadley Centre, (PRECIS) 3 rd Workshop –Focus on regional climate info needs for applications –Lead: Richard Washington, Oxford U (CLIVAR VACS co-chair) World Bank Climate Project: Horn of Africa
Summary WCRP support for high priority climate science activities increasing significantly Focus on Regional Climate Science is gaining momentum Core Projects are doing an excellent job at engaging and supporting their respective networks of scientists WCRP financial status continues to improve