Mr Runciman Assistant Headteacher (Sixth Form) Mrs Medley Sixth Form Pastoral Leader
18:00 Talk 1: Welcome & Applying to Trinity Margaret Sewell Hall Refreshments in Jubilee Hall Individual subject advice in classrooms (See Map) Individual Sixth Form Advice & University Stands in Jubilee Hall 18:30 Talk 1 (Repeated) : Welcome & Applying to Trinity Margaret Sewell Hall 19:00 Seminar 1: Guide to studying at Trinity for External Students New to Trinity? This seminar looks at Trinity Sixth Form in greater detail and signposts additional support and guidance. Creighton Hall 19:00 Seminar 2: A student’s view of Sixth Form Current sixth form students share their experiences of sixth form Margaret Sewell Hall 19:30 Seminar 2: Aspiring to study at Oxford, Cambridge, Russell Group universities A look at the entry requirements and course combinations for students aspiring to these universities. Creighton Hall 19:30 Seminar 3: Choosing the right courses at Advanced Level. A practical guide that looks at the information that is available to help you to choose the right courses in sixth form. Margaret Sewell Hall 8:00pmClose
Over 30 courses to choose from Personalised curriculum Excellent Results 80% of students go to University (30% of these went to a top Russell Group University) Enrichment opportunities New facilities
You must have at least 5 GCSE’s at C or above You must have English Language and Maths for most courses You must have a positive approach to learning Some courses highly recommend at least a B grade in certain subjects
A*ABCDEFG SubjectForecast Grade Points MathsC5 EnglishC5 Science DoubleC5 C5 Total20 Average5 Score Band Typical Offer >5.54 AS Levels >4.73 AS Level + Extended project or Citizenship >4.03AS Level or BTEC subjects + Citizenship
We currently offer around 36 courses Courses only run if there is sufficient demand Courses are listed in both the course guide and application form
French Spanish German Italian Computing Physics Chemistry Biology Maths Further Maths GCSE Score BandChoose > 6.7 (Mainly A’s)Up to 4 of these >6.1 (Mainly B’s and a few A’s) Up to 2 of these >5.5 (Mainly B’s)Up to 1 of these
Art Business Studies Economics English Language English Literature Geography Health and Social Care History Law Media Studies Music PE Phil & Ethics Photography Product Design Psychology Sociology Theatre Studies GCSE Score BandChoose > 5.2 (Mainly C’s and a few B’s) Up to 3 of these courses + Extended Project / Citizenship >4.7 (Mainly C’s)Up to 2 of these + 1 Red Course + Extended Project / Citizenship
Sport BTEC IT BTEC Business BTEC Travel and Tourism BTEC Applied Science BTEC Childcare & Education GCSE ScoreChoose > 4.0 D/E with 4 C’sUp to 3 of these + Citizenship
Application deadline 15 th March Offer letters (Easter) Induction days 30 th June – 1 st July Results day 21 st August (Drop in available) 22 nd August Results surgery by appointment