Governors’ Annual Conference 28 February 2015 Carole Mills Chief Executive Milton Keynes Council #LoveMK
My background Experience as a Governor Impressions of MK Vision for Education in MK Reflections on our results Important role of governors Good morning
£3/DAY Career path CPA/CA Inspector Chair Walsall & Nottingham LSP Execs Walsall ‘Recovery Team’ ODPM Sounding Board CIPFA/Midlands President Ngdp mentor CIPFA – examiner School Governor Major projects/developments Transformation Lead NCC Core Cities CEX/Leaders Economic Growth Board Citizen access/customers Growth Plan City Deal LGA Peer CIPFA Council
Early impressions – growing international profile in sport National Badminton Centre
… and in culture, technology and academia
Positive early impressions COUNCIL Bright and very engaged councillors Professional, talented and experienced staff Hard working & long hours Focus on governance and performance management Lots going on Lean management/staffing CITY Innovative, creative, Smart City Successful mixed economy – business and jobs Embracing growth Very engaged citizens and communities Positive and can do mentality Increasing international and national profile Shopping offer Many effective partnerships
Challenges COUNCIL Financial outlook Stakeholder expectations Profile and reputation Place shaping Regeneration NOC The whole change agenda CITY Growth – people, housing, jobs, transport Aging infrastructure (roads, redways, landscaping and the rest of the public realm) Health inequalities and access Tensions between vocal stakeholders - stay the same v make the change The impact of a larger, more diverse population on city dynamics and the way we work Educational attainment as secondary level & skills/professional development post 16
We are looking forward to MK’s anniversary in 2017 Is it our turn for City status? Capital of Culture too? 50 th anniversary – City Status – Capital of Culture
Governor experience Finance lead SEN lead Vice Chair Head and Deputy appointment panels OFSTED inspection School support Elected parent Then co-opted Finance lead Chair Finance & Estates Cttee Deputy Head appointment panel PRIMARY SECONDAR Y 3 YEARS 4 YEARS
MK School Ofsted Outcomes – February 2015 School TypeOutstandingGood % Good or Outstanding Requires Improvement InadequateTotal Maintained19 (22%)53 (61%)83% v target 80%15 (17%)087 Maintained schools and Academies 25 (23%)66 (60%)83% v target 81%19 (17%)0 110 (23 Academies) All Current Judgements Totals by Judgement South East vs MK
Key Stage results – primary schools Early Years Foundation Stage % of pupils achieving a good level of development Milton Keynes4962 National Average5260 Key Stage 2 % of pupils achieving level 4 or above in reading, writing and maths Milton Keynes7779 National Average7579 Key Stage 1 % of pupils achieving level 2B or above ReadingWritingMaths Milton Keynes National Average
Key Stage results – secondary schools Key Stage 4 / GCSE % of pupils achieving 5 A*-C grades incl. English & Maths Milton Keynes National Average Key Stage 5 / A Levels % of students achieving at least 3 A levels at grades A*-E Milton Keynes National Average
Being a governor is hard work … Expectations Up to date knowledge How your school compares Challenging teaching staff Holding to account Workload Time commitment Vital role in ensuring the school is the best it can be: Questioning Challenging Holding to account Whilst also being an: Advocate Supporter Champion … the perfect critical friend
For all you do …
Carole Mills Chief Executive Milton Keynes