Governors’ Annual Conference 28 February 2015 Carole Mills Chief Executive Milton Keynes Council #LoveMK.


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Presentation transcript:

Governors’ Annual Conference 28 February 2015 Carole Mills Chief Executive Milton Keynes Council #LoveMK

My background Experience as a Governor Impressions of MK Vision for Education in MK Reflections on our results Important role of governors Good morning

£3/DAY Career path  CPA/CA Inspector  Chair Walsall & Nottingham LSP Execs  Walsall ‘Recovery Team’  ODPM Sounding Board  CIPFA/Midlands President  Ngdp mentor  CIPFA – examiner  School Governor  Major projects/developments  Transformation Lead NCC  Core Cities CEX/Leaders  Economic Growth Board  Citizen access/customers  Growth Plan  City Deal  LGA Peer  CIPFA Council

Early impressions – growing international profile in sport National Badminton Centre

… and in culture, technology and academia

Positive early impressions COUNCIL Bright and very engaged councillors Professional, talented and experienced staff Hard working & long hours Focus on governance and performance management Lots going on Lean management/staffing CITY  Innovative, creative, Smart City  Successful mixed economy – business and jobs  Embracing growth  Very engaged citizens and communities  Positive and can do mentality  Increasing international and national profile  Shopping offer  Many effective partnerships

Challenges COUNCIL Financial outlook Stakeholder expectations Profile and reputation Place shaping Regeneration NOC The whole change agenda CITY  Growth – people, housing, jobs, transport  Aging infrastructure (roads, redways, landscaping and the rest of the public realm)  Health inequalities and access  Tensions between vocal stakeholders - stay the same v make the change  The impact of a larger, more diverse population on city dynamics and the way we work  Educational attainment as secondary level & skills/professional development post 16

We are looking forward to MK’s anniversary in 2017 Is it our turn for City status? Capital of Culture too? 50 th anniversary – City Status – Capital of Culture

Governor experience  Finance lead  SEN lead  Vice Chair  Head and Deputy appointment panels  OFSTED inspection  School support  Elected parent  Then co-opted  Finance lead  Chair Finance & Estates Cttee  Deputy Head appointment panel PRIMARY SECONDAR Y 3 YEARS 4 YEARS


MK School Ofsted Outcomes – February 2015 School TypeOutstandingGood % Good or Outstanding Requires Improvement InadequateTotal Maintained19 (22%)53 (61%)83% v target 80%15 (17%)087 Maintained schools and Academies 25 (23%)66 (60%)83% v target 81%19 (17%)0 110 (23 Academies) All Current Judgements Totals by Judgement South East vs MK

Key Stage results – primary schools Early Years Foundation Stage % of pupils achieving a good level of development Milton Keynes4962 National Average5260 Key Stage 2 % of pupils achieving level 4 or above in reading, writing and maths Milton Keynes7779 National Average7579 Key Stage 1 % of pupils achieving level 2B or above ReadingWritingMaths Milton Keynes National Average

Key Stage results – secondary schools Key Stage 4 / GCSE % of pupils achieving 5 A*-C grades incl. English & Maths Milton Keynes National Average Key Stage 5 / A Levels % of students achieving at least 3 A levels at grades A*-E Milton Keynes National Average

Being a governor is hard work … Expectations Up to date knowledge How your school compares Challenging teaching staff Holding to account Workload Time commitment Vital role in ensuring the school is the best it can be: Questioning Challenging Holding to account Whilst also being an: Advocate Supporter Champion … the perfect critical friend

For all you do …

Carole Mills Chief Executive Milton Keynes