Welcome to Parent Night! Mrs. Dickson’s Class
Amanda Elizabeth Dickson Pecan Grove ElementaryHodges Bend Middle School Stephen F. Austin High SchoolUniversity of Houston
Family Cami Hunter Brantley (2) Dub (9) Harper (2mths) Michael
Newsletter Newsletter with homework will be posted online or in an on Mondays. Homework Daily Graded Papers and fliers Monday
Dolphin Folder Goes home everyday Comes to school Everyday Initial on days with a color change *Sign board *Yellow - 5 min. out *Red - 10 min. out; Call/note home *Blue – Office -Your child might receive a mark, but no color change (this may result in a “N” or “U” in that area on the report card) Initial every Friday If the square was not colored in your child was on green
Reading Will evaluate 1 st 9 wks DRA level on report card Reading grade consists of daily work, quizzes, and tests DRA (Developmental Reading Assessment)Testing Not AR level!! - Includes fiction/nonfiction (at level 16) - Level is independent - Retell, comprehension, fluency, text to self/world The students will: –Increase fluency –Use phonics to decode words –Build comprehension skills –Experience various types of literature –Develop vocabulary skills –Identify main idea, fiction/nonfiction, details, and generalizations
Language Arts –Includes spelling, writing composition, and writing conventions. –We will not have a weekly spelling test, however we will practice each week at home as well as at school.
Guided Math Students will –Add, subtract –Identify and create patterns –Construct graphs and charts –Measure using cm and in –Solve problems –Read a calendar –Develop skills in geometry, measurement, probability –Math groups with 3 to 4 rotations (flexible)
Science Students will observe and investigate: –Patterns –Cycles –Change Distinguish living/nonliving Identify basic needs Identify elements of the natural world
Social Studies How historical figures helped shape our community, state, and nation Discover origins of customs, holidays, and celebrations Develop geography skills Learn about goods and services, wants and needs Identify traits of citizens Develop citizenship skills Be aware of and appreciate different cultures Learn about safety Learn how to resolve a conflict
Technology Promethean Board/Activotes I-Pods/ I-Pads Flip Camera Wii GPS Units Nintendo DS Leap Pads Computer
AR Tests STAR test given 1 st on computer Check out books with appropriate levels Read them 4-5 times Earn points by taking tests on computer at school Earn free dress monthly if goal is met AR celebration at the end of the year when point goal is met (20) Homeconnect will you (You can use books from home and the public library as long as they are on their AR reading level)
AR Goals October-1ptMarch-2pts November-1ptApril-2pts December-1ptMay-2pts January-2pts AR Celebration-20pts February-2pts October –May goals are for free dress AR celebration goal is higher than the whole year points added up
Birthdays No cupcakes/cookies at lunch (you may bring them, but they will be served at the end of the day) They have to be store bought Cookies are easier! No invitations sent out at school The birthday list will be sent home soon
Snacks Your child may bring a HEALTHY snack (Please NO peanuts or any snacks with peanut butter) Please do NOT send drinks other than water
Grades 1st– 4 th 9 wks –A –B –C –D –F 69 and below A minimum of seven (7) daily grades and/or quizzes will be taken each nine weeks. A minimum of three (3) major grades will be taken each nine weeks, as well. The report card grade will reflect a weight of 50% daily grades and quizzes and 50% major grades. Reassessments-Most failed assignments or tests will be retaught and reassessed. Reading rubrics will not be reassessed. Even with reassessment the highest grade given will be a 70. Homework is mandatory. (See work habits) Go online to Classroom Connection to view grades
Schedule Specials (10:25-11:15) –MondayPE –TuesdayPE –WednesdayMusic –ThursdayPE –FridayArt Lunch (11:20-11:50) –Table 7 –They can buy snacks if they have $ in their account Recess/Restroom (11:50-12:20)
Contact Dickinson Elementary (832) Note in the Dolphin folder
Other Things… Transportation changes- I must have a ote! I may miss an . Call the office if it’s last minute. Visit the “Giving Tree”! Thank you!! Sign up online for a conference! Did I answer all of your questions?