What is a Partnership? A partnership is a relationship where two or more parties, having compatible goals, form an agreement to share the work, share the risk and share the results or proceeds. Partnership implies the sharing of decision- making, risks, power, benefits and burdens. It should add value to each partner's respective services, products or situations. In partnerships, there is give and take.
Partnering – Who & How WHO: Start with stakeholders who are directly related to issue—water and sanitation, health and hygiene, private and public, donors and implementers Expand to: –other channels of influence, e.g. faith-based groups, women’s groups, local and national associations, farmer’s groups, youth groups –groups with potential long-term impact, e.g. schools –all possible information channels, e.g. journalists HOW: Make individual relationships (friendships) within these groups (need friends and advocates in each group), not just institutional relationships. Treat each group with respect.
Partnering – Systems Examination Examine the systems and ask: “What needs to be done to turn you into a partner with an active or passive influence on the targeted audience?” Training? Institutional strengthening? Capacity building? Expansion of reach? Other?
Partnering – Roles & Responsibilities What We Must Do Communicate Collaborate Coordinate Compromise Combine WHY to ensure scale coverage and overlap of hardware, hygiene promotion, and enabling environment interventions
Appropriate Approaches to Promotion Needed Infrastructure, Products, & Services Supportive Environment As behavior change increases, likelihood of sustained behavior increases. Maximum potential for change exists here. Increasing the Likelihood of Improved Practice Adoption & Sustainability
Mapping Relationships What needs to be examined? Who presently partners What is the communication between these partners Who else might partner
DRC – Before the Effort Stakeholder Relationships SANRU MOH MOW Health Ctrs DistHealth Village Chiefs USAID Mobilizers DistWS Water Cmt Village Cmt
DRC – After the Effort MOW MOH USAID SANRU Water Cmte Health Ctrs Mobilizers DistWS EZdS Village Chiefs MOE 3 NGOs 2 CSOs DANIDAWB DistEd DistHeatlh MOEnv DistEnv Village Cmt
WEPIA Map at Start Ministry of Water WEPIA + 3 People JES/NGO RSCN/NGO USAID Funding
WEPIA AED/COP + 3 staff 2 NGOs US Study Tours USAID Funding Grant Agreements 3 Engineers Media Specialist US Experts Web-Based Curric. / CD Dev. Private Schools & Teachers Ministry of Education Curric. Reform In 5 subjects Grades Ministry of Water Coordination WDM Intrnt’l Conference— Municipal/ Provincial Officials Faith-Based School Systems Students in 23 private schools 5,000 home audits Teachers in 5 grades In 23 pvt.schools 68 NGOs capacity bldg. B.A degree program in Non-profit manangement US Indiana Univ Philanthropy Dept.. Municipality Private Sector Policy Changes in Agric./Outdoor Use of Water. Policy changes construction code Ministry of Public Works & Housing Saleswomen Of water saving devices Plumbing Policy JISM CSBE Landscaping for six public demo. parks 10 US Universities JUST Univ. Master’s Program / Munic. Youth Training Art Museum Municipality Women’s NGO Vocational School Curriculum Plumbing trng. 10 US Agencies AWWA IWRA Utilities H.M. Office— King Ministry of Religious Affairs Imam trng. & Mosque Programs Waethat Mosque Prog. Outreach Vocational School Water Audits Training— Renovation of 760 Bldgs & All Public Ministries Munic. Mayors program IRC Private Sector Eval. Firm Ministry of Planning Grants 9 Governors & Eng. Staff Community Grants / 95 CBOs Major Broadcast & Print Journalists trnd. Ref. materials Press Releases / Materials Int’l Journalists Regional Journalists Ad Agency Media Campaigns Aqaba Economic Zone Aqaba Schools Busines s industry Teachers JREDS Women’s Groups Youth Groups Shigera village & 5 community Buildings renovated Provincial Governor/ Municipal Mayors/municpal engineers Philadelphia Univ. for NGO trng. Env.NGO RSCN Curric. Dev. WEPIA Map at End of Year 5