Master Plan Update Chapter 213 of the Local Government Code provides that Cities may engage in Comprehensive Planning which may: include but not be limited to provisions on land use, transportation, and public facilities. consist of a single plan or a coordinated set of plans organized by subject and geographic area; and be used to coordinate and guide the establishment of development regulations
Master Plan Update The current City Sunset Valley Comprehensive Plan was adopted in The original Master Plan for Sunset Valley was adopted in 1984
Master Plan Update The following changes have occurred since the plan was last updated: two new residential subdivisions - doubled the number of housing units in the city; new retail centers and other businesses have more than tripled the square footage of commercial space in the city; water service connection with the City of Austin has been established construction of new City Hall and other city buildings acquisition of land for conservation and open space completion of Ernest Robles Way
Master Plan Update Major sections of current plan: Goals Design and Site Development Standards and Policies Development Standards Specific to Non Residential Land Uses Land Use Districts Existing Land Use Map
Master Plan Update Design and Site Development Standards and Policies Urban Design and Site Planning Overview Entries, Lot and Roadway Placement Building Placement Architectural Style and Building Materials Accessory Structures, Fences and Walls Transportation Circulation Scenic Streets and Landscaping Public Safety and Community Policing Water Quality and Conservation Topography, Grading and Drainage Energy Conservation Areas Solid Waste Management, Waste Water and Recycling Public Facilities Noise Utilities Parks, Conservation Area and Open Space
Master Plan Update Development Standards Specific to Non Residential Land Uses Vicinity Site Plan Layout Village Clusters Site Furnishings Architectural Style and Building Materials Facades Auxiliary and Accessory Structures Roofs Paving and Surface Treatment Signage Entries and Circulation Parking Lights Loading Dock Areas Landscaping
Master Plan Update Examples of possible new sections: Schools Housing Historical and cultural Telecommunications Re-development
Master Plan Update Possible Initial Committee actions: Review existing plan Review other Cities’ Master Plans Inventory all other Sunset Valley planning documents Consider outside consultant services
Master Plan Update Proposed timeline June- July 2009Identify Resources August- Sept 2009Input from Council Planning and Environmental Committee Consultant resources October 2009Survey Oct, Nov, Dec 2009Town Hall Meetings Jan – Feb 2010Committee Draft Revisions/Updates with Council input March 2010Present for public hearing and enactment