Career in Floral Design Floral Design Agriculture Education Mrs. Jennifer Crutchfield
Floriculture Industry Career in Floriculture Industry: Art, technology and science are used. This diverse field offers you a wide variety of challenging and profitable career
Floriculture Industry Demand for trained professionals who have strong business skills as well as horticultural knowledge. The almost $20 billion annual floral sales include fresh cut -flowers, cut cultivated greens, potted flowering plants, foliage plants and bedding/garden plants.
Floriculture Industry The top states for growing include California, Florida, Michigan and Texas,
Every State Has Opportunities in Floral Industry! Commercial Grower Floral Wholesaler Retail Florist Other Segments(Garden centers, supermarkets, mass market stores) Research
Delivery/Truck Driver Commercial Grower Owner Production Manager Plant Breeder Propagator Technology Sales and Marketing Sales Representative Delivery/Truck Driver
Wholesale floral Designer Buyer Sales Technology Shiping and Receiving Wholesale Florist Business Owner General Manager Wholesale floral Designer Buyer Sales Technology Shiping and Receiving Caring and Handling Specialist
Owner Management Floral Designer Sales Business Office Delivery Retail Florist Owner Management Floral Designer Sales Business Office Delivery
Each flower shop has six distinct roles and responsibilities Owner Manager Sales Design Delivery Accounting
Florist: Job Details Florist provides floral and related goods to meet a customers needs Florists are artists who work with flowers preparing flowers and plants for these events: Weddings, Anniversaries, Birthdays, Valentine’s Day, and Mother's Day and other major and minor holidays, as well as funeral work.
Florist: Job Details Florists must also: -Understand how to care for variety of plants -Water, fertilize, and care for plants and flowers -Properly store live plants and cut flowers for sale -Florists also work with dried and artificial flowers.
Florist: Job Details Florist must be: Creative! Able to position plants and flowers into different types of arrangements such as bouquets, centerpieces, wall hangings, wreaths, and corsages. Knowledgeable about color and design when working with flowers and plants.
Florist: Job Details General Responsibilities of a florist foincludes: delivery of plants and flowers operating the cash register taking care of financial records ordering plants and supplies cleaning the store on a regular basis. offer advice to customers about how to care for flowers and other plants.
Florist: Job Details -Florists often own their own flower shops and may employ floral designers who assist in creating arrangements.
Florist: Job Outlook and Job Details Despite the projected decline in employment, job opportunities should be good because of relatively high replacement needs. Floral design is the only design specialty that does not require formal postsecondary training. Many floral designers work long hours on weekends and holidays, filling orders and setting up decorations for weddings and other events. About one-third are self-employed. Lets start by looking at the U.S. Department of Labor Data on a Florist.
Other Floriculture Careers Botonical Garden Staff High School or College Instructor Floral Design Instructor Gardener/Landscaper/Landscape Architect Horticulture Therapist Hard Good Sales Person Mass Market or Super Market Flower Sales Person Scientist Event Planner/Designer Wedding Planner/Designer
Link Link for Career Information
Professional Trade Organizations for the Floriculture Industry Trade Association is an organization that is set up to assist in the industry in educating its members and promoting ist products and services in the marketplace. AIFD- American Institute of Floral Designers. SAF- Society of American Florists
Quiz What career opportunities are available within the floral industry? Name two of the industry associations. How can this class help you train for a career in the floral industry? Why is a friendly service attitude an important attribute of a sale person?
Quiz Why is it important that the delivery person for a flower shop be well groomed and well mannered? Name 3 specific duties that a retail florist has on the job. Why is continuing education important in floral design?
Student Activity 1 Career Cruising 1. Take Career Quiz on site 2. Print off the Career Quiz Results and sign your name. 3. Circle your 5 top careers from the career quiz results. Put a star by your #1 Job write a paragraph on the back on why this is your favorite job. Turn in all work (This should only be 2 pages of printed material)
Student Activity Career Cruising Research these two careers. Florist Nursery/Greenhouse Grower Bonus Points Research Wedding Planner
Student Activity 2 Student Handout- You will be looking at and writing down the general description of the jobs including: Job Description Working Conditions Earnings Education
Student Activity 2 Continued Your job is to make general notes about the job description, working conditions, earnings, and education for the job. At least four different facts must be listed about each portion of the career area. Remember you will be graded on being neat, completing each portion, and staying on task. If you are off of the proper site you will loose 5 points for each time off site.