Employees’ Interest in Health Plan Consumer Support Services February 2008 Ted von Glahn Director of Performance Information and Consumer Engagement Pacific Business Group on Health
2 Target select consumer actions/decisions Choose benefit plan Save money & time/manage personal account Choose doctors and medical groups Choose a hospital Exchange info with doctor/office Opt-in for care management help Make treatment decisions Get support/info for personal care activities
3 Health Plan Consumer Support Services for Employees Wellness Disease Management How to Save Money
4 Employee Interest in Plan Wellness Services
5 Employee Interest in Plan Disease Management Programs (Top 5)
6 Employee Interest in Plan ‘How to Save Money’ Services
7 Diabetes Patients Experiences Disease Management Programs “ I’ve had someone calling me. I’m not sure exactly who it is. They’re very encouraging. But they’re starting to want to collect a little more information…I like the information; I just don’t want to be bothered by them.” “They call all the time but they don’t know any more than I know…they send me information and it turns out it’s all the wrong information. It’s either stuff I already know or it has nothing to do with my condition.” “The big incentive is if you complete this you get $65. That’s why I signed up. I don’t think it helped me at all. …You talk literally for five minutes once a month. Really, I just do it for the $65.”
8 Diabetes Patients Experiences Personal Responsibility for Health “ You learn how to monitor your blood glucose. When I first was diagnosed I wasn’t a very good diabetic. You learn fast…or you get these wicked highs and lows.” “It’s your diabetes. You have to keep yourself healthy.” “I give me credit…I had to learn and I had to take care of me and I had to pick and choose what I had to eat” “All of the sudden I realized how I should have taken charge of this…because I was like about dead.”
9 Diabetes Patients Experiences What is Quality -- Doctor and Care “I get a letter in the mail if I haven’t been in for three months. You’re due for your A1c. I love that.” “He wanted to put me on a drug and I said, ‘Wait, I want to research it.’ He told me where to go to find out information. So we made an informed decision together.” “He sat with me for an hour the first time…showed me how I can try to turn it around. And I trust him.” “He called and talked to me…he wants me to lose weight…he says you can do it, I know you can do it. He’s so encouraging.”
10 Diabetes Patients Experiences In the Workplace “I’m on a schedule. They tell me what time to stop taking phone calls to go to the bathroom, what time to go to lunch…My doctor tried to get them to loosen up…” “I wish (my employer) would have diabetic-friendly snacks and foods.” “I feel totally supported where I work…My whole team knows I have diabetes. They look for signs of things that will happen.”