Riverside Community Schools Overview of Summer Maintenance Projects
Our maintenance, custodial, and summer help have worked very hard during the past several months. (We also had the help of a few outside contractors.) Our maintenance, custodial, and summer help have worked very hard during the past several months. (We also had the help of a few outside contractors.)
We believe that our students deserve the cleanest and best dressed buildings we can give them. We believe that our students deserve the cleanest and best dressed buildings we can give them.
The following slides show just a few of the summer’s highlights. The following slides show just a few of the summer’s highlights. Enjoy the show. Enjoy the show. Our maintenance, custodial, and summer help have worked very hard during the past several months. (We also had the help of a few outside contractors.) Our maintenance, custodial, and summer help have worked very hard during the past several months. (We also had the help of a few outside contractors.) We believe that our students deserve the cleanest and best dressed buildings we can give them. We believe that our students deserve the cleanest and best dressed buildings we can give them.
Riverside High School
The north entrance…
has a new sign,
refreshed landscaping,
and repainted railings.
The foyer received a face- lift with…
a repaired closet door,
repainted trim,
a restored light fixture,
and (of course) waxed hallways.
There’s new carpeting…
in several
Gym wall mats were refurbished.
Remember the broken railing outside the distance learning classroom (ICN)?
It’s been replaced with an iron railing and repainted.
All doors and railings around the building have been repainted.
At the south entrance…
the interior entry is repaired
and painted.
And the old stair treads…
have been replaced.
Concrete was replaced at the north service entrance.
And the parking area has
…less brush
and repainted poles and lines.
Riverside Middle School
The cracked concrete at the south entrance…
has been replaced.
Doors and railings are repainted.
The gym floor has a new BULLDOG…
and bright lights
on a brighter floor.
Even the entry area shines like new.
A former classroom will become a computer lab.
Riverside Elementary School
Sidewalks are being replaced on the east …
and the south,
making walkways safer …
and handicapped accessible.
Doors and trim are repainted,
windows trimmed out and sparkling,
and the ceiling on the south side entry repainted.
Hallways are shining …
and dark halls …
are made brighter.
Thanks for watching the show. Thanks for watching the show. It’s going to be a great year for Riverside Schools. It’s going to be a great year for Riverside Schools. We welcome you to be a part of it. We welcome you to be a part of it.