A Day at the Beach By: Madison Wells Storytelling Butler County Middle School
Finally, it was the day I had been waiting for, my first trip to the beach! My dog Max jumped up onto my bed with his favorite squeaky toy that we play with every morning. He licked my face playfully as I squeaked it. I asked Max, “Remember what today is ? We’re going to the beach ! So, we have to hurry and get ready to go.“ I walked to my bathroom and opened the cool mirror above my sink and reached for my toothbrush. When I finished brushing my teeth and hair I quickly went to the second drawer in my dresser where I keep my bathing suits and quickly put one on.
When Max and I got to the kitchen, Mom had already fixed my breakfast and poured Max a bowl of kibble. Dad was busy packing the cooler with snacks for our trip, I could hear the rattling of the big bag of potato chips. The steam that was still rising from the hot cereal warmed my face and smelled so good. I was so excited, I could hardly finish eating. When I finished, Mom buckled me into my booster seat in the van. While dad was packing everything into the vehicle. Max jumped in beside me, and licked my hand. We were finally ready to leave.
Along the way I asked “How long does it take to get to the beach?” Mom replied, "About an hour, Sweetie.” We were half way there! Mom told me a story about her first trip to the beach and how she and my grandpa picked up seashells. I thought about what I would do first. Soon, we were pulling into the parking lot ; I asked Daddy, "What is that sound I hear ? “ He said,“It’s the waves crashing into the shore.”
Dad said “ what a perfect day: warm and sunny, not a cloud in the sky” I could hear the seagulls screeching. Then Max began to bark. Mom said, “ He’s just barking at a hermit crab scurrying along the pathway.”
While we walked, Mom asked “ Why don’t we take off our flip flops?” The sand felt warm and squishy between my toes. As I walked with Max, I felt the sea breeze blowing my hair. As we walked along the edge of the water, Max splashed me, I tasted the salty water and felt the tug of the waves pulling at my feet.
Dad picked up seashells and handed them to me, and I felt the unique textures of each one, some were smooth, and some rough, then I placed them in the bucket I got to carry. Later on, I built a sandcastle, with a little help from mom. Mom said “ Your grandpa and I built a sandcastle just like this one when I was little.” Just as we had finished, Max brushed the side of the castle as he ran to me and I felt the warm, moist sand cover my foot as it tumbled down. We all began to laugh.
Soon, Dad said ”It’s time for lunch everybody.” “Oh boy, a picnic!” I replied. As I bit into a cold, sweet slice of watermelon, the sticky juice ran down my face. Mom helped me out with a napkin. Max licked the juice off my fingers joyfully.
Before I knew it, Dad called out “ Max, Ella! It’s time to go.” Max nudged my hand, and I took hold of his harness. He is such a good seeing-eye dog. While getting in the van I said, “Dad, I hope we can come back again soon.” “Of course,” He said.
As Dad finished packing up, Max jumped in the van beside me. I whispered in his ear, “Max, did you have fun ? I hope we’ll get to come back soon.” He yipped happily. We snuggled close on the way home. It had been a great day. I love having Max as my guide dog, but I also love days when Max can take some time off from being my seeing- eye dog and he can just be my best friend. I love days like today when I don’t need eyes to see.