Proper uniform clothing Shirts; tucked Belts Slacks, shorts Closed toe and closed back shoes Cold weather; warm ups with Uschool logo only Outer wear; NSU or Uschool logo only Jewelry; no necklaces hanging outside the uniform shirt
Feet on the sidewalk in front of school no later than 7:50. Morning tardy bell rings at 8:00. If you are tardy in the morning, you must get a pass from the receptionist to be admitted to class. Morning supervision in Dining Commons starts at 7:30. All students should be in one of the following supervised locations after going to locker; Cafeteria Extra help Test makeup Media center
4 minutes passing Determine shortest allowable route and what you can accomplish between periods Locker Restroom Calling home Checking in with counselor One way hallway
Advisory Lesson on Monday; 40 developmental assets Student Leadership Meetings Student Action Council Grade Level Meetings; 8 th Grade Tuesday 7 th Grade Wednesday 6 th Grade Thursday Break Time Tuesday through Thursday: grades not in meetings Friday: All grades on break 8 th graders in courtyard area 6 th and 7 th graders on playground or dining commons Media Center open for limited number of students Bagels and snacks sold during break
No cashier this year…lunch is included in tuition. Must line up in hallway and be dismissed to move into food service area. Take what you know you can eat. If you want more, you can go back. No carbonated sodas will be served. You can still pack lunch and bring your own soda. Clean up your table space before leaving the cafeteria. After eating, you can go outside or to media center. No access to rest of building until released from lunch.
Every student has 3 days of PE and 2 days of study hall. PE Uniform required Locker room behavior must be exemplary Participation determines grade Study Hall Study, homework, sustained reading May not leave study hall unless teacher requests Movement between middle school and gym A coach will meet you outside front door of building, take attendance, and escort you to and from the gym
Individual Student Access Morning- 7:30-7:55 Break- Tuesday through Friday Lunch- Monday through Friday Afternoon- 3:10-3:30 Class Access 1 st through 7 th period through teacher request Limited access during study hall
Back packs can be stored in; Courtyard Outside patio by playground Put clear label or identification on your bag Do not keep valuable electronic equipment or money in backpack. Put these things in your locker! Do not take or look in anyone ‘s bag but your own. Athletic equipment stored in shed on playground: Coach Preston will unlock and lock equipment
6 th Grade drop-off and pick-up in lot adjoining the playground 7 th and 8 th grade drop-off and pick-up in large circle in front of middle school. If you have upper school sibling, you can be dropped off and picked up at upper school If you have lower school sibling, you can be dropped off and picked up at lower school. In PM report to dining commons for adult escort to lower school. Morning arrival should be 7:50 Afternoon pick-up no later than 3:30 After Care starts at 3:30. All student not picked up will be taken to After Care, a fee-based service.
All students must be in locations with supervision. Athletes in season will go to the gym or be escorted to practice/game areas by coaches. Performing and Visual Arts students must go immediately to supervised arts locations. Students are not allowed to hang out in gym or outside buildings after school. Sun Stop at the middle school will sell snacks after school. The Sun Spot in the gym is off limits unless you are an athlete or attending a game. Students are not permitted to go to other buildings on the NSU campus unless escorted by parent/guardian (Sherman Library, Student Center, etc.)
To see a counselor Stop by during passing period to request that you be seen at a later time. Get to class on time. The counselor will decide if the concern requires immediate attention and will work with your teacher accordingly. To see the nurse Bring a pass from your teacher In an emergency, you will be escorted by an adult Medical forms must be on file to request medication or treatment If you feel ill or have an injury, the nurse will assist you in the clinic and she will call home to report your condition.
Shelves outside dining commons will have books, lunch bags, PE bags. Other valuables such as electronics, money, or jewelry will be turned in to receptionist.
You are encouraged to join one of the many clubs that provide opportunities to help others outside of our community. Treat others the way you would like to be treated. Don’t be a passive bystander. Is it true? Is it kind? Is it necessary? We practice progressive discipline for behavioral infractions.
Student Action Council Student Leadership Meetings President Vice President Secretary Club Officers
Students can take an active role in our school community through the Student Action Council. The council will be comprised of your advisory leaders, club representatives, and your elected officers. Elected Officers Council Members Advisory Leadership Advisory
President (8th grade) Vice-President (7 th grade) Correspondent (7/8 th grade) Press Secretary (7/8 th grade) Historian (7/8 th grade) Treasurer (7/8 th grade) 6 th grade representatives