“I am absolutely delighted that the Department for Work and Pensions has confirmed Shaw Trust as the preferred bidder for 16 CPAs. This has enabled the organisation to further utilise its knowledge and expertise in assisting disabled and disadvantaged people on their journey to employment and greater independence”. Sally Burton, Chief Executive of Shaw Trust
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Strategic context Shaw Trust has: Successfully delivered Workstep and Work Preparation for over 25 years Current national contract of 3234 places 130 specialist Advisers delivering these services in the context of the social model of disability A 57% progression rate with 92% sustained outcomes Delivery to quality standards (OFSTED 2) Our years of experience has helped to build our platform for the design and delivery of Work Choice.
Understanding our Customers People who face complex barriers to finding and maintaining employment. Lack of confidence and/or self esteem Skill levels Physical and/or sensory impairment Mental ill health Learning disabilities Social exclusion People in employment who have an acquired disability or a worsening health condition.
Delivery proposal We are committed to delivering a high quality, flexible programme designed to suit the needs of the individual through: A work focussed, modular approach with a strong focus on assessment and distance travelled A tailored support package for each individual Facilitation of specialist support through Work Choice Direct A team of highly skilled, knowledgeable Advisers delivering support via a mix of established and outreach premises Delivery through a wide range of partners: Utilising their networks, infrastructure and specialist skills Ensuring we utilise the expertise of disability specific partnerships (PSA 16) Access to our established network of over 10,000 employers and LEPs
Delivery model Choices to independence Key features: A structured and individually tailored Work Choice delivery approach lead by customer choice, co-ordinated and empowered through Work Choice Advisers Encourages a clear and measurable step by step yet flexible customer journey toward greater individual independence.
Delivery model Stage 1 Referral Management / Initial contact / Assessment The initial contact and assessment process will ensure the Customer has a greater opportunity to realise their potential through structured intervention and support. Development plan Measurable goals against distance travelled model Customer is target driven to increase personal progression toward greater independence and employability. Getting Ready for Employment Initial Assessment Motivational interviewing Thorough assessment of needs Realistic job goals Barriers to employment translated into empowering, positive measurable individual goals Toolbox of specialist assessments resources and support, facilitate agreed customer journey and development planning. Work Choice Direct Initial contact set-up provision Customer journey co-ordination Referral allocation Advice & guidance Job entry preparation and guidance Transition to employment/unsupported employment Tracking customer journey
A range of interventions and activities selected and owned by Customers to challenge personal and work focused barriers and both encourage and evidence progression. Support activities progress up to 21hrs Foundation development 121 weekly reviews & distance travelled Dealing with and overcoming barriers Employability skills Placements Employer engagement Supported Business opportunities Distance travelled score informs Customer support level Delivery model Stage 2 – Module 1 Getting ready for employment
Delivery model Stage 3 - Module 2 Getting ready for independence A platform for job based skill acquisition. Activities will drive and empower Customers toward greater levels of independence. Job confirmation meeting 3 way job set-up meeting Support activities of a minimum of 8hrs per month Job orientation Progression and interventions will be evident through application of the distance travelled model and support levels Achievement reports provide stakeholders with comprehensive evidence of programme impact Achievement reporting supports distance travelled and progression to unsupported employment.
Customers evidence a clear requirement for longer term support through distance travelled scoring. Goals will be wide ranging to include community integration, retirement planning and job role changes. Module 3 employers will assume a pivotal role in supporting the move into unsupported employment Support activities of a minimum of 4 hrs per month Review programme progression Further assessment to prioritise support Supporting customer independence Alternative job roles Employer capacity building On going distance travelled review Delivery model Stage 4 – Module 3 Getting ready for lifelong choices
Working with Supported Businesses We will be working with 45 Supported Businesses Nationally Supported Businesses relationship structure Support for moving Customers into open employment Arrangements for financial payment Providing practical help and support for any external inspections (e.g. OFSTED) Holding joint workshops to build capacity within the business to progress and develop Customers into open employment Process for monitoring occupancy Negotiate and agree performance measures 5 – 10% Progression Occupancy Quality
Delivery partners Our delivery partnerships will provide an excellent and competent supply chain. We have ensured that: They have experience with our Customer group They have substantiated, historical performance They have proven quality of service provision This, coupled with Shaw Trust’s knowledge of the overall supply chain will delivery a quality service to our Customers
Delivery locations When considering locality planning we have: Mapped out locations against a 30 minute travel zone (Module 1 Customers) Created a range of delivery locations in consultation with our delivery partners Called on our extensive, historical experience of outreach service provision
Transition and Implementation Our transition and implementation strategy Transition team formed – October Core team supporting work streams. Created detailed Transition Plan which informed: Operational delivery model Work Choice Direct – creation of contact and freephone number Employer engagement and support Blend of communications to support all stakeholders 121 meetings with Customers Engagement of subcontractors – subcontractor events Supported Business road shows Work with losing providers and manage TUPE process
Monitoring and evaluation Shaw Trust is committed to constant review and improvement of our services through: Evaluation of our performance against KPIs Engagement with stakeholder groups to capture feedback and inform continuous capacity building Managing and developing relationships with delivery partners and employers through partnership steering groups Measuring impact of our service on Customers through local focus group activity and through our ‘suggestions and comments’ feedback forms Adopting and implementing a continuous cycle of improvement.
Summary Today we have presented: A flavour of our Delivery Proposal A simple, clear and flexible approach to delivery Our Customer Journey Tailored to the needs of our customers Our high level Delivery Model Incorporating our 3 module approach, measured by distance travelled Our Performance Offer Our Supported Business relationships Actively working in a collaborative way Our Delivery Partners and Locations Including a wide ranging supply chain Transition and Implementation Resourced to ensure that no customer falls through the net Quality and evaluation Valuing feedback and ensuring high delivery standards
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