Class Rules, Expectations & Consequences A quick review to refresh your memories
Attendance Be in class on time, seated and ready to work prior to the bell. Attendance will be taken within the first 15 minutes of class. If you come in tardy after that time you will be expected to go to the attendance office first for admittance. Three tardies will earn a detention and another detention for every time after that when you are tardy. Finally if you are late you are to wait outside until the teacher is ready to allow you inside.
Seating Charts You must be seated where who have been assigned at all times.
Hall Passes NOT MORE THAN ONE student should be allowed out of a classroom on a pass at any time. Students will not be excused to see another teacher, counselor, administrator, etc., unless there has been a request by the person who wishes to see the student either by phone or in writing, unless it is an emergency. BATHROOM: YOU NEED A WHITE PASS TO BE ALLOWED TO USE THE BATHROOM
Be Prepared You must be prepared for class by bringing the necessary materials: –INTERACTIVE TEXT –NOVEL –PEN, PENCIL, PAPER, ETC.
Food Policy NO GUM CHEWING! Leave gum in the trash can by the door. Three repeated gum offenses will earn you a detention. Anyone found putting gum under the desk or dropping it on the floor will also receive detention. NO FOOD! (INCLUDING SNACKS) NO DRINKS! (FRUIT JUICES, SODAS, ETC.)
Electronic Devices Policy No visible or audible electronic devices, including but not limited to, cell phones and IPODS. If seen or heard they will be CONFISCATED. There will be NO WARNINGS.
BELL DO NOT GET UP TO LEAVE WHEN BELL RINGS. The teacher dismisses you not the bell.