The ONLY Things You Ever Needed to Know About Parliamentary Procedure…
The Order of Business Call To Order Roll Call –You need to be here for this Officer Reports Old Business –Motions already on the floor from a previous meeting. New Business –Floor open—new motions can be made!! Adjourn White = You
Before we begin…Know Rule #1 RULE #1 If all else fails, yell “Point of Information”
Make Your Move “I move that we…” Recognized
A Friend is Needed “SECOND” Yell Recognized
Debate 1 st Pro – Maker of the motion Con Pro Con Recognized
Ending it – Putting it to a vote “Question” Yell
Not ready for it to end? “OBJECTION” YELL (We’ll go back to debate.)
Ending it- Beat the horse “I move to call Previous Question” Recognized Second required Vote to END DEBATE (2/3 vote needed)
VOTE on the MAIN MOTION Whew! (1 down… 24 to go!)
Making your move “I move that we…” Recognized
A friend is needed “Second” Yell Recognized
Debate 1 st Pro – Maker of the motion Con Pro Con Recognized
Ending it – Putting it to a vote “Question” Yell
Speed it up if ALL are in favor! “Consent” YELL (Motion passes if no one objects. )
Making your move “I move that we…” Recognized
A friend is needed “Second” Yell Recognized
$%&*#! Move to Amend Recognized
A friend is needed “Second” Yell Recognized
Debate of the PROPOSED AMENDMENT 1 st Pro – Maker of the Motion Con Pro Con Recognized
Ending it – Putting it to a vote “Question” Yell OR “Previous Question” Recognized
Return to the main motion… (with or without the amendment)
Postpone it – Laying it on the table “Move to Table” Recognized May be sent to committee Specify a definite time Specify indefinitely ***(debatable)
Want proof that the numbers match the voices? “Division!” or “I move for Roll Call Vote” Yell
During business “Point of Order” Yell
During business “Point of Information” Yell
During business “Point of Clarification” Yell
During business “Point of Privilege” Yell
Getting geeky… “Move to consider in seriatim” (by sub-sections, paragraphs) Recognized
Getting geeky… “Move to consider as a whole” Recognized
Getting geeky… “Call for caucus” Recognized
Getting geeky… “Move for informal consideration” (Committee of the Whole) Recognized
Getting geeky… “Move to reconsider” Someone that voted on the prevailing side of the original vote must be recognized
Got it? Let’s do a run through…
I move that the peanut gallery buy snacks for the delegates.
More or less confused?