D ISCUSSION I TEMS Key Concepts What is a Learning Autobiography? Unit 3 Content on Learning Autobiography Characteristics of a Strong Learning Autobiography Creating Your Learning Autobiography Questions to Ask Yourself Target Audience Learning Autobiography in the Electronic PDAS Using the Learning Autobiography Tool Q & A on Using the Learning Autobiography Tool 3
K EY C ONCEPTS The Learning Autobiography must provide sufficient detail about the student’s experiences and the learning they have acquired from those experiences. Converting experience into knowledge is a complex process. Experiential learning involves the act of reflection. Students often have difficult clearly articulating their learning. 4
W HAT IS A L EARNING A UTOBIOGRAPHY ? A Learning Autobiography is an essay that explains in more detail: How students learned what they know; Why students changed positions/jobs; How students solved problems; and Reasons behind students’ experiences. 5
U NIT 3 C ONTENT In this course, you are told: “All of the pieces of your portfolio are designed to go together so that the faculty evaluator gets a clear picture of your learning. Think of it as proving a case in court – by using the different parts of the portfolio, you are creating a total picture from which the faculty evaluators, who are like jurors, can come to an informed decision. The Learning Autobiography is also the place where you can let the uniqueness of your voice shine. You can explain the gaps in your resume when you were caring for a sick relative or tell the story behind your new job title. You can explain the how and why of your knowledge and skills.” 6
C HARACTERISTICS OF A S TRONG L EARNING A UTOBIOGRAPHY A Strong Learning Autobiography: Is clearly written in chronological order Highlights your experiences Describes, in detail, your learning acquired from those experiences Describes, in detail, how your learning has grown as a result of those experiences Clearly articulates your learning 7
C REATING Y OUR L EARNING A UTOBIOGRAPHY Use Your Expanded Resume as a Guide Review the Experiences Highlighted in Your Expanded Resume Identify Key Learning Experiences Write a Detailed Description of What You Learned as a Result of Each Experience Format Your List in Paragraph Form Read Your Paragraphs for Consistency and Flow 8
Q UESTIONS T O A SK Y OURSELF ! Why were my experiences significant in my life? What did I learn at each stage of my life that I did not learn before? How have my experiences changed me? What are some main ideas and concepts that I have learned in my discipline? What knowledge, skills, and abilities have I acquired from my experiences? What level of learning have I achieved? What themes can I identify throughout my experiences? 9
T ARGET A UDIENCE FACULTY EVALUATOR SME – Subject Matter Expert in the Discipline in Which the Courses are Offered Unfamiliar with YOUR Learning Only has the Information You Provide In Your Portfolio Needs a Context in Which Your Learning has Occurred YOUR JOB IS TO CLEARLY EXPLAIN YOUR LEARNING! 10
REMEMBER... The Learning Autobiography is the ONLY narrative in your portfolio! Be Sure to: Proofread Revise as Necessary Spell Check Grammar Check Outside Review (if necessary) Colleague Friend Kaplan’s Writing Center 11
U SING THE L EARNING A UTOBIOGRAPHY T OOL After I have graded your Learning Autobiography, place it in the Electronic Portfolio Development and Assessment System (PDAS). Click on Build My Portfolio Click on Learning Autobiography Copy Your Learning Autobiography from the original MS Word document and Paste the Text into the field provided. You can use the formatting toolbar to format your text (e.g., bold or italics). Click SAVE! 12
HELP U SING THE E LECTRONIC PDAS? Kaplan University Technical Support By Phone: Chat: Live Tech Help link throughout KU Campus By Be sure to Obtain a Ticket Number when you Contact Technical Support 14