Agenda Book - We would like parents to check the agenda daily to see that homework is completed. Wednesday Folders - Blue folders will be sent home each Wednesday. Please check your child’s folder, remove all papers, and return any necessary forms.
Homework -Students will have weekly spelling, cursive and reading assignments for homework. Reading Minutes - Students are required to read 100 minutes each week. These minutes are to be recorded and initial by parent on reading log. In addition, three reading responses must be written each week on reading log. Math - Homework is assigned several times throughout the week. There will be other assignments and projects on occasion. Your child should have their homework written in their agenda spiral each day. Daily Work - Class work becomes homework if not completed during class or study hall. Class work is considered late if not handed in the following morning.
Grading Policy Grades will be weighted as follows: Daily Work: 60% Assessments: 40% Students are allowed to redo assignments that are below a 70. They may earn up to a 70 for corrected work. It is up to the student to complete the work and return it within a week of the original due date. Make-up work-Students will be responsible for completing missed class work. Students will have one day to make up work for each day they were absent from school (2 days out=2 additional days for completing work).
STAAR State of Texas Assessments of Academic Readiness 4 th grade students will take three STAAR tests – Reading Math Writing Students will have 4 hours to complete each test.
Discipline Each class has created a list of classroom expectations. Classroom Codes: Code 1: Silence Code 2: Whisper Voice Code 3: Conversation
Rewards and Consequences Consequences - When a student breaks a rule, it will be recorded in the Behavior Book. Students will be required to sit for 5 minutes for each infraction. If there is a consistent problem or a major infraction, the student will fill out a reflection sheet in study hall. A parent signature is required on the reflection sheet. Rewards - Students will receive tickets for good behavior. Every ten tickets may be redeemed for a "You Rock” coupon which in turn can by used to “purchase” special privileges. (No shoes, free choice seat, homework pass, lunch in the classroom, etc.) or they may be redeemed at the 5 th grade “You Rock Store”.
Classroom Procedures Schedules -These are located on the fourth grade teachers’ websites. Our planning time is from 10:50-11:40. Lunches Deanda 11:43 Kirchner 11:46 Page 11:49 R & R (Reteach & Recess) is from 1:15 – 1:35 Books - Students are responsible for paying for lost or damaged books. This includes textbooks, library books, and books from the classroom library.
Additional Information Snacks - We suggest healthy finger foods that the students can eat while they continue to work. Birthday Invitations - Students may only bring invitations to school if they are inviting the entire class. They may bring treats such as pencils, stickers, or cupcakes if they have one for each child in the room. Treats should be here by lunch and will be celebrated during recess. Tardies and Absences -Tardy bell rings at 7:45. Students need to go to the office if they arrive late to get a tardy slip. Please send a note with your child after they have been absent stating the reason for the absence.
This PowerPoint can be found posted on our Sharp School Websites.