Surveys & Data Entry System Before you start Limesurvey & alii Encoding questions Exploratory Data analysis Edouard Legoupil Data Management Officer
Surveys and Data Entry System Test & Pilot your survey ! Evaluate the competency of the questionnaire. Estimate the length of the survey or time to take the survey. Determine the quality of the surveyor. Before you start Do the respondents understand the survey’s objective? Do the respondents feel comfortable answering the questions? Is the wording of the survey clear? Is the time reference clear to the respondents? Are the answer choices compatible with the respondents’ experience in the matter? Do any of the items require the respondent to think too long or hard before responding? Which ones? Which items produce irritation, embarrassment, or confusion? Do any of the questions generate response bias? Which ones? Do the answers collected reflect what you want in regards to the purpose of the survey? Is there enough diversity in the answers received? Is the survey too long? According to your test audience, have any other important issues been overlooked?
Surveys and Data Entry System Database must be developed when you need to UPDATE If it's a one time data entry, use a dedicated survey application – no need to code Get the printed form from the application rather than redoing in Word/Excel Database for survey Before you start
Surveys and Data Entry System LimeSurvey #1 in Open Source Unlimited surveys, questions, participants Multi-lingual – 50 languages front/back 20 question types Branching / skip logic Assessment surveys / dynamic feedback Reusable answer / label sets Anonymous / tracked surveys LimeSurvey
Surveys and Data Entry System Why you should use it? 1.Available right now, free of charge 2.Can be used off line on a local server 3.If online, Facilitate the technical review of your form Make your forms/questions available for other Information managers in a ready to be re-used format Facilitate the archiving of the data
Surveys and Data Entry System Survey Online Data Entry platform: LimeSurvey
Surveys and Data Entry System LimeSurvey Features… WYSIWYG HTML edits (bold, italics, links) Saved survey, continue later Cookie or session based surveys Templates for survey look & feel Back-office data entry support (paper) Expiration of surveys Import/export CSV, SPSS, Excel User management / one-time use tokens LimeSurvey
Surveys and Data Entry System Encoding questions LimeSurvey Problems with array questions mixed with multiple choices index.php?page=Workarounds:+Question+design, +layout+and+templating#Multiple_question_type s_in_array
Surveys and Data Entry System Data entry versatility Export to queXML Generation of scannable paperform mltools/ Automatic recognition of scanned forms Configuration of the “master form” through Limesurvey administrator interface Hand filled forms then Data entry through Limesurvey front office Few closed questions + many enumerators Cell life script cf EMIT O.4 Export to Xforms Mobile Data Entry on Android phone with ODK Mostly closed questions + few enumerators Mostly open questions + many enumerators LimeSurvey & Alii
Surveys and Data Entry System Scanned forms Presentation of the system: LimeSurvey & Alii
Surveys and Data Entry System Descriptive analysis & Exploratory analysis Analysis 1. Descriptive statistic are mostly “Univariate analysis”. It involves the examination across cases of a single variable, focusing on three characteristics: the distribution; the central tendency; and the dispersion Example: a frequency distribution chart 2. Exploratory analysis is an approach to analyzing data for the purpose of formulating hypotheses. “Multivariate or Factor analysis” are used to uncover the latent structure (dimensions) of a set of variables. It reduces attribute space from a larger number of variables to a smaller number of factors and allows the definition of statistically consistent cluster. Example: Multivariate cluster analysis from three measurements of femur properties source From Wikipedia Possibility to define the characteristics of statistically homogenous groups. Those characteristics can then be used to build targeted assistance programme!