Terry Kucera Deputy Project Scientist NASA/Goddard Space Flight Center STEREO: 360° of Sun Museum Alliance & Solar System Ambassadors Jan. 20, 2011
STEREO: 360° of Sun Intro to STEREO STEREO Science – some hits from the last few years STEREO – All around the Sun – What’s happening – Why its important – Resources
SDO s3_heliocentricFeb2011_6fps.mov STEREO NASA/GSFC
STEREO Science Objectives Understand the causes and physics of Coronal Mass Ejections (CMEs) Track how CMEs move through space Discover the sources of dangerous solar energetic particles (SEPs) Map the 3D structure of the solar wind STEREO-A/SECCHI s4_prom_ a_cor2.mpg
Space Weather Effects Satellite Damage and Difficulties Dangers to Astronauts Communications Black Outs and Radio Difficulties GPS Errors Problems with Air Travel Near the Poles Flow of Currents on Pipelines Electric Power System Problems Confused Homing Pigeons
STEREO Imagers (SECCHI) EUVI – Extreme Ultraviolet images Cor1 and Cor2 – Coronagraphs Heliospheric Imagers (HI), imaging the rest of the way from the Sun to Earth orbit
August 2010 – CMEs out to Earth orbit s8_SECCHI_ mp4
Sonification Sonification of Images s9_STEREO_ImageSonification.mov
Sonification Sonification of Ambient Conditions s10_SOSIM-807-lo_shrt.mp4
Sun in 3D HD and Left eye/Right eye:
3D CME s12_3D_CME.mpg C.T. Russell, UCLA Thernisien, Vourlidas & Howard 2009
Comets in the Solar Wind Comet Encke, Apr Comet F1 Loneos, Oct s13_ENCKE_ _hi1a_zoom.mpgs13_loneos_hi2a.avi
STEREO SECCHI/EUVI and SDO/AIA 195 Å (≈1.2 MK) s14_euvi_195_rotated.gif
STEREO SECCHI/EUVI and SDO/AIA 304 Å (≈80,000K) s15_draft_movie304.mov
March 1, 2001March 28, 2001 SOHO/EIT 195 Å SOHO/MDI One solar rotation can make a difference!
s17_STEREOB_2010Dec6.mov STEREO-B Dec. 6, 2010, 304 Å
s18_SDO_2010Dec6.mov SDO Dec. 6, 2010, 304 Å
Solar System Wide Coverage of Solar Activity Inner solar systemsolar system out to Saturn Feb. 9, 2011 NASA HST
Sun 360 Resources Press conference movies Handout (STEREO_allSun.pdf) 3D projection: Working with Science on a Sphere (SOS). 10 min cadence movies showing 195 and 304 Å. Please register any events with the Museum Alliance Media Events Press conference: Feb. 9 at 2:00 PM US Eastern Standard Time Twitter session for the public: Feb. 10, 1:30 -2:30 EST hashtag #sun360
“3D Sun” on iPhone “Solaris” on Android STEREO on a Smart Phone
What would people use/like? Flat screen movies showing rotating sun at particular time. Produce after press conference? Wavebands? Number of frames in revolution? Movie Format (frames, mpg, etc.)? Projected Maps – good for wrapping over spheres. SOS uses series of these to make movies. Smart phone apps use individual ones for their zoom & pan displays Anyone else want these? If you are interested in these please contact me,