Town of Hamilton Community Information Meeting For Well Harmony Intermediate School May 13, 2010
Background Well #14 Town relies on underground wells for water supply Well lot for Well #14 provided as part of Stone Eden Subdivision Well 14 was drilled in 2000 VA Dept. of Health has approved plans for water system construction to add Well 14
Background Well #14 Pump Test Capacity of 400 gallons per minute Design Capacity of 300 gallons per minute Water to be treated at Water Treatment Plant at Harmony Water Treatment Plant Approved December 2007 (SPEX ) SPEX Required Pumping, Monitoring & Mitigation Plan
Water Treatment System Serves approximately 700 customers including three schools System includes nine wells Current daily Town Usage on average is 130,000 gallons per day System design capacity is 510,000 gallons per day
Well 14 Located in Stone Eden Subdivision 1.3 acre site Facilities include well, control building, emergency generator Fenced area of approximately 2,100 square feet
Water Treatment System Well #14 is a planned addition to Town’s system & is identified in the 2003 Adopted Town Plan Well #14 serves Harmony Intermediate and Kenneth W. Culbert Elementary schools Well #14 Current pumping level is approximately 9,000 gallons per day Well #14 will be monitored to identify potential off-site impacts
Current Review Process SPEX Under Review by County Planning Commission Hearing 4/28/10 Planning Commission Work Session 5/19/10 Projected Board of Supervisors Hearing 6/7/10 Comments may be provided to the Planning Commission and Board of Supervisors
Recommended SPEX Conditions Consistency with SPEX Plat for well & associated facilities Comply with Pumping Monitoring Mitigation Plan Provide Noise Attenuation Review Landscaping with County Forester and Neighbors Extend Monitoring Plan to include drought conditions
Recommended SPEX Conditions Set up a formal communication with neighbors to meet regularly on monitoring Shield existing light and add motion detector
Participate in Review Loudoun County Planning Commission Loudoun County Planning Department 1 Harrison Street, S.E, 3 rd Floor P.O. Box 7000 Leesburg, VA County web site:
Participate in Review Loudoun County Board of Supervisors 1 Harrison Street, S.E, 5th Floor P.O. Box 7000 Leesburg, VA Comment Line: County web site:
Town of Hamilton, Virginia Analytical Services, Inc. Pumping, Monitoring and Mitigation Plan (PMMP) Triad engineering, Inc.
Pumping, Monitoring and Mitigation Plan (PMMP) Anticipated Pumping Rates Monitoring Methods Mitigation Strategies Analytical Services, Inc. * Environment * Safety & Health * Groundwater * Energy
Site View of Well #14 and nearby monitoring locations Analytical Services, Inc. * Environment * Safety & Health * Groundwater * Energy
Site View of Well #14 and nearby monitoring locations Analytical Services, Inc. * Environment * Safety & Health * Groundwater * Energy
Monitoring Methods Sampling and Water Quality Analysis Water Level Monitoring Pump Run Time Measurements from Well #14 Analytical Services, Inc. * Environment * Safety & Health * Groundwater * Energy
Monitoring Reports Water Quality Data Water Level Data Pump Run Time Discharge Measurments Analytical Services, Inc. * Environment * Safety & Health * Groundwater * Energy
Monitor Well Graphics Analytical Services, Inc. * Environment * Safety & Health * Groundwater * Energy
Monitor Well Graphics Analytical Services, Inc. * Environment * Safety & Health * Groundwater * Energy
Mitigation Establish Point of Contact Determine if impact is due to operation of Well 14 Provide water supply to any offsite well deemed impacted by operation of Well 14 Evaluate well & pump equipment to determine if functioning properly Evaluate if pump can be lowered, then if needed deepening or reaming of well or new well installation Review pumping schedule to determine if alternate schedule mitigates impact
Water Conservation Strategies What about a drought? Town Ordinance has Voluntary and Mandatory Restrictions based on Conditions (Article 5) Schools are closed during typical dry season PMMP to be extended to include a drought year
Contact Information Town of Hamilton Offices 53 East Colonial Highway P.O. Box 130 Hamilton, VA