Bruce Winter Camp 2010 Parents’ Night
Agenda 1. Welcome 2. Where Do We Go? 3. Who’s Going 4. What Do We Do? 5. Daily Schedule 6. Packing List 7. Behaviour 8. Fees & Fundraising 9. Questions
Where Do We Go? Camp WannaKumbac 1- (204) Approximately 3 hours by bus: Approximately 3 hours by bus:
Where Do We Go? The Camp is minutes away from Onanole, MB. Our route takes us: West on Hwy #1 ( Past Portage) Northwest on Hwy #16 (Past Neepawa) North on Hwy #10 (Past Erickson) West on PR #263 Onanole) North on PR #270
Who’s Going to Look After the Students? TEACHERS Mr. Weber Mr. Fisher-Smith Mr. Harland Mr. Tester Ms. Ansloos Mrs. Hickey Ms. Acorn Parent and Teacher Candidates
What Do We Do? Cross Country Skiing Cross Country Skiing Fire-making Fire-making Snow shoeing Snow shoeing Broomball Broomball Crafts Crafts Survival skills Survival skills Ice Fishing Ice Fishing Orienteering Orienteering Some Activities Include:
Camper’s Schedule Tuesday, February 4 8:00 Be at BMS ready to board buses. 9:00 A.M. Leave Bruce. 11:30 A.M. - 12:15 P.M Arrive at camp and settle into cabins. 12:30 - 1:30 P.M. Lunch (First lunch is a bag lunch) 1:30 - 3: 15 P.M. Activity #1 3:15 - 3:30 P.M. Free Time: warm up! 3:30 – 5:15 P.M.Activity #2 5:15 – 5:45 P.M.Free Time 6:00-7:00Dinner 7:00 -10:00Naturalist Presentation & Night Snack 10:00-10:30. Get Ready for bed 10:30Lights Out and Good Night
Camper’s Schedule Wednesday, February 3 7:45 A.M. Rise and shine! Good morning! 8:30 Breakfast 9: :30 A.M. Activity # 3 11:30Free Time 12:30- 1:30Lunch 2:00 – 4:00 P.M. Activity #4 4:00 – 5:00Prepare for Bonfire 5:15-5:45 Free time: warm up! 6:00Dinner 7:30-10:00Night Hike/Bonfire 10:00 P.M. Return to cabins and prepare for bed. 10:30 P.M. Lights out! Good night!
Camper’s Schedule Thursday, February 4 7:45 A.M.Rise and shine! Good morning! 8:30 A.M.Breakfast 9:30 – 11:00 A.M. Wannacumbac Games 11:00 A.M. Cabin Cleanup 11:45 A.M.Lunch and Camp Awards 12:30 P.M.Cabin Check and Load Luggage 1:00 P.M.Leave Camp 4:00 P.M. Arrive back at Bruce
WARM Sleeping bag Pillow Winter Jacket Wind / Ski pants Pants / sweat pants Sweaters Underwear Long Underwear Pyjamas Sock Pairs (8 + ) Hats / Toques Scarf / Neck Warmer Pairs of Mittens (2 + ) Warm Winter Boots Indoor Footwear Water Bottle Soap / Washcloth Towels Shampoo / brush / comb Toothbrush / paste Face cream / chap stick Pen Log Book Plastic Dirty Laundry Bag Luggage Pieces Other: Other: Skis cameras Campers’ Supplies List Students must show / wear / bring these items onto the bus. They will not be allowed on if any are missing.
Because wet clothes do not keep warm, it is essential that your child packs extra items including: Because wet clothes do not keep warm, it is essential that your child packs extra items including: Socks Socks Mitts / gloves Mitts / gloves Toques Toques Boot Liners Boot Liners Underwear Underwear Campers’ Supplies List Students should bring a piece of rope/string to be used as a clothesline in their cabin.
Your child is limited to one suitcase, one bag containing his/her sleeping bag and pillow and a carry on. Your child is limited to one suitcase, one bag containing his/her sleeping bag and pillow and a carry on. Your child must be able to carry his/her own luggage, sleeping bag, etc. Your child must be able to carry his/her own luggage, sleeping bag, etc. Sleeping bags/pillows are best packed in a heavy duty garbage bag. Sleeping bags/pillows are best packed in a heavy duty garbage bag. Label all luggage and property clearly with first AND last names. Label all luggage and property clearly with first AND last names. Packing !
Camp Rules 1) Remember C.P.R. with all students and adults. 1) Remember C.P.R. with all students and adults. 2) Stay within the camp boundaries and use the buddy system when going anywhere in the boundaries. Never go anywhere alone. 2) Stay within the camp boundaries and use the buddy system when going anywhere in the boundaries. Never go anywhere alone. 3) You must wear a jacket, mitts, boots, toque and face covering when outside. 3) You must wear a jacket, mitts, boots, toque and face covering when outside. 4) No junk food (only healthy snacks), gum, peanuts, nuts or wearing of scents. 4) No junk food (only healthy snacks), gum, peanuts, nuts or wearing of scents. 5) No cell phones. 5) No cell phones. 6) You may only go in your own cabin. No visiting any other cabins. 6) You may only go in your own cabin. No visiting any other cabins.
Medical Alert / Allergies If your child has a medical alert bracelet please have them wear it to and at camp. If your child has a medical alert bracelet please have them wear it to and at camp. Food allergies must be reported so that the staff at the camp can prepare accordingly. Food allergies must be reported so that the staff at the camp can prepare accordingly. 911 services and hospital services are located in nearby Erickson, full hospital services in Minnedosa. 911 services and hospital services are located in nearby Erickson, full hospital services in Minnedosa. Extended health insurance is required. Extended health insurance is required.
Fees Student Fees are $195. Student Fees are $195. Students paid a deposit of $50. Students paid a deposit of $50. Students may have participated in optional fundraising activities. Students may have participated in optional fundraising activities. Account Balance is Due TODAY! Account Balance is Due TODAY!