Welcome to my American Dream By: Jose M Ortega
What I want to be when I grow up? I would like to be a video game designer. The reason I am going to become a video game designer because I love to play video games. This is the only job were you can play video games in the name of research.
Where would I like to live one day? I would like to live in Miami, Florida in the USA in a two story house on the beach also in Tokyo, Japan. I will have a swimming pool in my backyard and I will have a pet rock named Carlos Perez- Rodriguez. I am also going to live next to my friend Carlos Perez-Rodriguez. My pet rock is going to be illegal.
Who do I look up to? I look up to the men and women that do what I love and the men and women who design video games.
Motivation/Emotion My motivation is what my friends and family and the book The Absolutely True Diary of A Part-Time Indian where the theme says “If you have a dream follow it.” some obstacles that I might face will be money that will be one of the biggest issues the other issues will not be as hard as money.
Dream job I would like to work at 343 industries the ones that created the HALO series.
Funny pictures about game design