MEET THE TEAM Ms. Hammonds, Ms. Mitchell, Ms. Worthen, Ms. Curnow, and Ms. Redmon
CONTACT INFORMATION Conference time 7:55-8:45. If you would like to meet with us, please or call to schedule a time 24 hours prior. This helps us to be better prepared to answer any questions that you may have for us. Our fourth grade webpage can be found through the school website at Check out our classroom blogs weekly!!
CONNECT WITH US! Remind 101 Twitter School Website Teacher Blogs
ROTATION SCHEDULE REDMON/CURNOW 7:45- Tardy Bell Rings 7:55-8:45 Specials 8:45-9:35 Science 9:35 -10:35 Reading 10:35-11:30 LA 11:30-12:20 Shine Time 12:20-12:50 Lunch 12:50-1:20 Recess 1:20 -2:20 Math 2:20 - 2:40 Social Studies 2:40 - 2:45 Pack up and Dismissal
MATH Emphasis on the four main operations including adding and subtracting both whole numbers and decimals. Place Value all the way up to the billions place Math facts up to 15X15 Fractions and Probability Geometry Graphing An undercurrent of problem solving and critical thinking will accompany all units. THIS IS HUGE!!
SCIENCE 1 st 9 Weeks Lab Safety/Introduction Physical Properties of Matter Mixtures & Solution Water Cycle 2 nd 9 Weeks Weather Patterns & Changes Properties of Soil Weathering & Erosion 3 rd 9 Weeks Renewable & Nonrenewable Resources Conductors & Insulators Electricity Force on Objects 4 th 9 Weeks Energy Transfer of Organisms Adaptations & Behaviors Plant & Animal Life Cycles
SOCIAL STUDIES - TEXAS HISTORY -Early Explorers to current day -History Museum and Project Based Learning
READING AND WRITING WORKSHOP Reading and Language Arts go hand in hand. There are two overarching goals for students for the year. 1)Fourth graders read every day. A wide variety of genres and levels of complexity. 1)Reader’s Workshop 2)GCISD 25 Book Challenge 2)Fourth graders write every day. 1)Writer’s Workshop 2)Narrative and Expository 3)Words Their Way Spelling
EXTRACURRICULAR ACTIVITIES There are plenty of ways to get involved: FAST KGES Safety Patrol Student Council Choir Bank Running Club
HOMEWORK Parents Role- Homework is a student responsibility. It is the role of the parent to ensure their child is completing their homework and if they need help, to discuss problem areas. *20 minutes of reading Planners- Planners are filled out every day. It is important that you check your childs’ planner on a regular basis. Star Folders- Please check and sign STAR folders nightly. All information and graded papers will be found in the STAR folder.
ATTENDANCE/MAKE UP WORK It is important to be at school every day. If possible try to schedule appointments outside of school hours. Please send a note or call the office in the event that your students cannot attend. Make up Work- For every day absent, the student will receive an additional day to complete make up work.
GRADING POLICY MAKE UP ANY FAILING TEST AND ASSIGNMENT FOR A 70 Grades online Skyward Encourage your students to look online with you. Progress Reports and Report Cards Reports will be given out on the third week only if a student is failing or has had a significant drop in their grade in a subject area. All students will receive a report on the sixth week. All report cards go home on the ninth week. Conduct Grade: Reflects from STAR Behavior Calendar
CLASSROOM MANAGEMENT STAR Behavior A set of common campus behavior expectations. These expectations are aligned with GCISD character education as well as college and career readiness standards. They focus on building capacity in students to be productive citizens in our community. “Starbucks” Circle Up Time
STAR FOLDER -Parents will be informed daily of their child’s behavior on the calendar found in the STAR folder. Nine week conduct grades will mirror the behavior recorded on the calendar. -Daily disciplinary actions are located in the STAR folder. -Check and sign the STAR calendar daily! -Check and sign the planner daily!
STAAR Test Dates - Writing, March 30 th and 31st - Math, April 21 st - Reading, April 22 nd
FURTHER IMPORTANT INFORMATION Snacks- Please prepare snacks that are considered healthy for your student throughout the year. Snacks such as cupcakes, cookies, chips are things that can be placed in lunches, but are not considered healthy snacks. Lunch Visitation- A separate table will be available for parents visiting with your child only. Birthdays- You may bring in store bought items without nuts. We will pass them out in the last 15 minutes of the day. Please give advanced notice if possible. Cell Phones- All cell phones must be turned off and out of sight if they are brought to school. If you need to contact your student, please leave a message through the front office. Headphones- Your child must have a pair of headphones everyday at school. It is not sanitary to share ear buds with other students.
CAMP We will be going to Collin County Adventure Camp from May 6 th -8 th ! Wahoo Collin County Adventure Camp More information to come!!