How to use Mood Food Diary: Everyday fill in the food diary by stating what you ate and how you felt an hour after eating Please record your mood, energy and stress in relation to Tilda’s numerical grading's (page 4) for example feeling grumpy you would write ‘1’ in the corresponding box Mood, energy and stress must be recorded an hour after eating every meal in order to evaluate impact of eating certain foods If there are external factors affecting your mood please state what. It is important to differentiate between food and external factors which affect mood Please enter data digitally Please find an example of a Mood Food Diary entry on the following page
Time of meal: Food consumed: Mood – 1hr after eating Energy - 1hr after eating Stress - 1hr after eating Happiness - 1hr after eating If outside factors affected mood, please tick box and detail. Breakfast 09:30 Porridge and 1 banana am am am am 1 Alarm clock and no hot water didn’t go off so running late for work which has put me in a bad mood Lunch 13:00 Chicken sandwich with salad. X1 packet salted crisps 14: : : :00 2 Dinner 19:30 Steak, chips and broccoli Yogurt, blueberries and strawberries 20: : : :30 3 Still no hot water and plumber can’t fix until tomorrow so feeling slightly moody Snacks X1 apple X1 chocolate bar (35g) 12:30pm 4 12:30pm 3 12:30pm 3 12:30pm 3 Drinks X4 pints of water X2 tea with milk X1 can of Diet Coke 10:30 – 3 14:00 – 4 20:30 – 3 13: :30 – 3 14:00 – 2 20:30 – 3 13: :30 – 1 14:00 – 2 20:30 – 2 13: :30 – 1 14:00 – 2 20:30 – 3 13:30 -3
Name Age Location Telephone Job Title Height & Weight Male or Female To be completed before meal plan
How would you rate your default mood on a scale of 1 to representing super happy all the time! 5- average levels of happiness and contentment and 10- a depresses state of mind. Does your mood fluctuate through the day? Can you give any insight into this if so - when, to what extremes and why you think this might be? Does your mood affect your day, if so please give examples of how How many portions of fruit and vegetables do you eat a day? How many litres of water do you drink a day? Are you an energetic person? Do you generally move around or are you sedentary? Do you exercise? How many times a week? What do you do? Do you have low energy despite having eaten sufficiently? Can you tell us about your current eating habits e.g. do you have a sweet tooth or do you snack frequently, do you have three meals a day or eat little and often?
Ratings 1Grumpy, no energy, very stressed, miserable 2Bad mood, little energy, stressed, not happy 3Neither grumpy/good mood, neither high/low energy, neither very/not stressed, neither happy/miserable 4Good mood, energy boost, little stressed, happy 5Exceptional mood, energetic, no stress, extremely happy
Time of meal: Food consumed: Mood – 1hr after eating Energy - 1hr after eating Stress - 1hr after eating Happiness - 1hr after eating If outside factors affected mood, please tick box and detail. Breakfast Lunch Dinner Snacks Drinks
Time of meal: Food consumed: Mood – 1hr after eating [Please input time] Energy - 1hr after eating [Please input time] Stress - 1hr after eating [Please input time] Happiness - 1hr after eating [Please input time] If outside factors affected mood, please tick box and detail. Breakfast Lunch Dinner Snacks Drinks
Time of meal: Food consumed: Mood – 1hr after eating [Please input time] Energy - 1hr after eating [Please input time] Stress - 1hr after eating [Please input time] Happiness - 1hr after eating [Please input time] If outside factors affected mood, please tick box and detail. Breakfast Lunch Dinner Snacks Drinks
Time of meal: Food consumed: Mood – 1hr after eating [Please input time] Energy - 1hr after eating [Please input time] Stress - 1hr after eating [Please input time] Happiness - 1hr after eating [Please input time] If outside factors affected mood, please tick box and detail. Breakfast Lunch Dinner Snacks Drinks
Time of meal: Food consumed: Mood – 1hr after eating [Please input time] Energy - 1hr after eating [Please input time] Stress - 1hr after eating [Please input time] Happiness - 1hr after eating [Please input time] If outside factors affected mood, please tick box and detail. Breakfast Lunch Dinner Snacks Drinks
Time of meal: Food consumed: Mood – 1hr after eating [Please input time] Energy - 1hr after eating [Please input time] Stress - 1hr after eating [Please input time] Happiness - 1hr after eating [Please input time] If outside factors affected mood, please tick box and detail. Breakfast Lunch Dinner Snacks Drinks
Time of meal: Food consumed: Mood – 1hr after eating [Please input time] Energy - 1hr after eating [Please input time] Stress - 1hr after eating [Please input time] Happiness - 1hr after eating [Please input time] If outside factors affected mood, please tick box and detail. Breakfast Lunch Dinner Snacks Drinks