To Parent Orientation Ms. Wilton Room #12
Classes begin promptly at 8:00 Lunches, folders, snacks, birthday treats, etc. must be dropped off at the office Phone calls will be transferred to voic during instructional hours Early checkouts need to be kept at a minimum (try to schedule appointments after school hours)
Copies of our class schedule and C.A.M.P. schedule are located on the Midway I.S.D. website Click on “select a campus” Select: Woodway Click on Staff Select: Wilton, Jana
Listen while your teacher is talking. Follow directions the first time that they are given. Respect yourself, classmates, and teacher. Raise your hand before speaking or leaving your seat. Be safe. Be kind. Be honest. Always do your best!
Behavior Calendar White – Great Day! Yellow – Student/Conference (sit out 5 minutes from recess) Blue – Student/Teacher Conference (sit out 15 minutes from recess and copy classroom rules) Orange – Parent Contact (sit out all of recess, copy classroom rules, create a behavior contract) Red – Office Referral – Parents will be notified by principal
Scheduled lunch time 10:55-11:25 Procedures for adding money to lunch account (please send lunch money in the zipper pouch of the student’s homework folder) Procedures for eating with student
First grade car riders dismissal: 3:17 Older siblings are released to younger siblings: 3:14 Procedures for a change in afternoon dismissal What to do if you need extra car pickup signs
First Grade will be using standards based report cards Additional information can be found on the Midway I.S.D. website under Curriculum and Instruction/Standards Based Report Cards
Homework reinforces what we are learning in class for that particular day Homework assignments will be given daily Assignments will also be assigned over the weekend if I feel that extra practice is needed
Class begins promptly at 8:00 Any students arriving after 8:00 will be marked as tardy Excessive absences or tardy students will be addressed through administration Excessive early check outs of students will also be addressed through administration
Phonics – Johnny Can Spell Reading – McMillan McGraw Hill Math – Envision (digital component) Writing – Writer’s Workshop Social Studies - Houghton Mifflin Science – Houghton Mifflin (digital component)
C.A.M.P. Schedule is located on class website Updated every six weeks Students must wear tennis shoes during P.E. – crocs, flip flops, sandals, etc. will not be permitted. Please have your students wear their tennis shoes to school
There will be 2 scheduled field trips for First Grade If you would like to attend any of our scheduled field trips you must complete a volunteer application located on the Midway I.S.D. website Go to Select a school: Woodway Click on Parents Click on Volunteer
I love celebrating birthdays! Please bring enough birthday treats for 20 students. Please provide plates, napkins, utensils, etc. Please NO COOKIE CAKES or items that need to be refrigerated. Birthdays
Our designated snack time will be approximately 1:15 Snacks must be healthy in nature. No chocolate, candy, cookies, potato chips will be allowed. Snack time will be 10 minutes so please send snacks that can be consumed in that amount of time. No juice or drinks are allowed during snack time. Snacks
Early Dismissal – 12:00 Oct. 2 nd Fall Pictures – Friday, Oct. 10 th Fall Fest – Oct. 24 th Red Ribbon Week – Oct. 20 th - 24 th Thanksgiving Break – Nov. 24 th – 28 th
o I will check until 6 p.m. daily excluding weekends Phone: ext Remind Or send a text to (972)
Thank you room moms for all of your help this upcoming year! I could not do it without you! Our classroom room moms are: Kim Gooch Roxanne Klepper Melissa McKenzie Jasca Coleman
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