Welcome to Ms. Stryer’s Curriculum Night! Please write a note to your child on the stationary provided and leave it on their desk for a nice morning surprise! Please fill out the student update form and yellow residency form and leave in the white basket by the door.
All About Me Introduction and background Philosophy of teaching
Specialist Schedule Monday and Thursday: P.E. (remember to wear P.E. clothes and shoes) Tuesday: Library (remember books) Wednesday and Friday: Music
Common Core Our state, along with over 40 states in the US, have adopted the new Common Core State Standards (CCSS). These standards ensure that ALL students learn the same core skills, content, and processes in each grade To align with CCSS, Issaquah School District has been updating and making slight changes to curriculum presently adopted.
Literacy A balanced program integrating reading and writing: Phonics and Spelling instruction Making Meaning (Reading Comprehension) Guided Reading Groups Units of Study (Lucy Calkins) – Narrative, Informational, Opinion, and Poetry Independent Reading Weekly Writing Journals Read Aloud Home Reading/Reading Log Sharing and Oral Presentations Book Bags
What are they? Themed literacy bags for continued reading support on the weekends with activities the whole family can enjoy! Why? We received a grant from the Issaquah Schools Foundation in When? Available for check out each Thursday and returned on Tuesday – Making new bags, any sewers? Who? All students are invited to participate but need to have a parent signature by next Wednesday. Thursday Book Bags
Every Day Mathematics Units will be taught for mastery, meaning some lessons will last several days Dialogue of problem solving strategies will be stressed Multiple ways to solve problems and equations will be explored, as well as traditional algorithms Math is a learned skill, not an innate trait **Math GNOMe integration
Science and Health Units of Study: – Inquiry, Systems, and Application – Changes in Ecosystems (with an emphasis on Wetlands) – Body Systems – Germs and Nutrition – The Sun’s Apparent Daily Motion (Shadows) – Force and Motion
Social Studies Communities Story Path Career Speakers Map and Globe Skills Times for Kids News Magazine
Homework Policy Weekly Homework will include: Sharing (once a week) Reading log (5 of 7 days and due Monday) Nightly Homework may include: Home Connections from Everyday Math Due next day unless otherwise stated IXL practice
Behavior Policy Basic Student Responsibilities and Class Rules (see Parent Survival Handbook) Behavior Clip Chart and Monthly Calendar (please initial the stars) Parent Communication Student/Parent Handbook (Please return with signature page ASAP)
Assessments Math Unit Tests Fountas and Pinnell Reading Assessment (September and March) Writing Post-unit Prompts Stanford Testing (last week of January) CogAT testing ( March 7 th -14 th ) Portfolios Grading Standards-based: 1, 2, 3, or 4 for academics Social skills: Consistently Often Sometimes Rarely Report cards sent home 3 times a year: Nov. 26 th, March, Last day Assessments and Grading **Mark Your Calendars: Conferences are Dec. 3 rd & 4 th Sign ups online AND students are invited to attend!
Guidelines for a FOUR… What Exceptional IS NOT o Being fast, neat, or just accelerated o Just getting all the right answers o Persevering, staying on task, or following directions
Guidelines for a FOUR… What Exceptional IS o Consistently performing beyond expectations o Seeking opportunity to go further o Demonstrating depth of thought and application o Connecting knowledge or skill to another area o Applying knowledge for a new purpose o Analyzing concepts o Showing multiple applications and/or perspectives o Teaching others
Field Trips and Special Activities Wetlands Walk- October 17 th (with an in-class experience on October 14 th ) Cinderella Play (Carco Theater): Jan. 22nd at 1:00 PM Science lessons by Science To Go: Changes in Ecosystems Force & Motion Rick Hartman “Force and Motion”- May 20th from 9:30-11 AM
Miscellaneous Blog updated at least once a week Blog Purple Folder (please return daily) Snacks – donations are welcome! Birthday Policy – no treats please Book orders will be sent home monthly Bathroom Breaks Lunch Money – in an envelope with child’s FULL name and lunch # FERPA/Picture information: Cannot post student pictures from school functions on social media Change of afternoon routines – contact office directly Classroom Volunteers Classroom wants
Behavior Policy Classroom Expectations/Class Rules Behavior Clip Chart and Monthly Calendar Parent Communication Student/Parent Handbook