Welcome to Curriculum Night for 2A!
Graduated from Baylor University with Bachelor of Science in Education in 1991 Graduated from Baylor University with Master of Science in Education in 1995 Teacher certification in Elementary and Secondary History Coppell resident since 2005; Currently live in Frisco Married to Steve Clemons and have seven children– ages 18, 17, 16, 15, 13, 13, and 5. This is my tenth year at Mockingbird This is my 21st year to teach (pre-K, grades 1-12, and college reading)
Please make sure that your current is in the Portal on the CISD website. It is posted monthly, so please check my webpage.
2 nd Grade Technology TEKS
Sign Up for a conference time for October 10 th (on the horseshoe table.) (Parent/teacher conferences are the reason why the district gives this day off.)
Math Math Addition and subtraction to 20 Fact Families (ex: 7+5=12, 5+7=12, 12-5=7, 12-7=5) Place value up to hundreds place Compare and order whole numbers through 1200 Numbers and graphing Two digit addition and subtraction with and without regrouping Picture graphs, bar-type graphs Attributes of shapes and solids Geometric shapes Telling time to the minute Determine the value of a collection of coins up to one dollar Read a thermometer Measure length, capacity, and weight Fractions to twelfths Multiplication and division Personal Finance
Language and Literacy Writing Spelling Grammar Handwriting Listening Speaking
Writing We will use the “Write from the Beginning and Beyond” curriculum. Journal Work: Students are given prompts and are also given a free choice.
Handwriting 2 nd grade will work on correct formation of printed letters using the Handwriting Without Tears curriculum.
Science FOSS Kits (Hands-on Science!) – Animals/Insects – Air and weather/water cycle Night Sky and Seasons Natural Resources – Balance and motion Plants Discovery Education
Social Studies Local History and Government State and National Government – State and National Symbols Historical Figures Customs and Celebrations Physical Environment Economics/Free Enterprise System
2A Specials Schedule Monday- PE Tuesday- Art Wednesday- PE Thursday- Music Friday- PE and Art or Music
We have snack at 9:15 every morning. Please pack a healthy snack and water bottle. I do not allow the kids to go to the cafeteria for a snack. Children will not be allowed to eat chips or cookies.
It is the students’ responsibility to make sure they show you any paperwork that goes home and then bring it back the next day. Please empty this folder each night and put any notes to me inside it.
Positive Positive I will contact you via or a note in the folder if your child has poor behavior on a given day, or is struggling on a routine basis. I will contact you via or a note in the folder if your child has poor behavior on a given day, or is struggling on a routine basis. Puzzle Piece for Super Day/Sticker for Good Day Puzzle Piece for Super Day/Sticker for Good Day
Daily homework…please make sure your child reads for 20 minutes and practices addition and subtraction math facts daily. Daily homework…please make sure your child reads for 20 minutes and practices addition and subtraction math facts daily. A monthly homework calendar will be in your child’s red folder at the end of this week. These are optional assignments that can be completed if you would like for your child to do more than the standard 20 minutes of reading. There are also many homework suggestions listed on my website. A monthly homework calendar will be in your child’s red folder at the end of this week. These are optional assignments that can be completed if you would like for your child to do more than the standard 20 minutes of reading. There are also many homework suggestions listed on my website.
Children are allowed to bring treats for their birthday. Cookies or glazed donuts may be brought with your child the morning of their celebration. If your child brings a treat, please send napkins and any others utensils that are necessary for the treat. Summer birthdays will be celebrated in April and May. I am very flexible, but please let me know in advance if you are sending treats so I can plan for the event.
Please feel free to sign up for any volunteer opportunities if you haven’t done so already. However, make sure you have a background check form completed before you volunteer. You will not be allowed to participate in the activity with your child if you bring the form on the day of the activity. This includes going as a chaperone on field trips. There are recess calendars in the hall. (Mondays would benefit me directly.) Homeroom fund (horseshoe table) PTO volunteer sign up (small desk at the front of the room)PTO volunteer sign up (small desk at the front of the room) Class Wish List on the chart boardClass Wish List on the chart board Time for Kids magazine (horseshoe table)Time for Kids magazine (horseshoe table)
MS = Mastered the standard’s expectation MS = Mastered the standard’s expectation AS = Approaching the standard’s expection AS = Approaching the standard’s expection IPS = Insufficient Progress toward the standard IPS = Insufficient Progress toward the standard N/A = Not assessed at this time N/A = Not assessed at this time