brought to you by the U.S. Highbush Blueberry Council 2012
What’s Up with Blueberries? When we say BLUEBERRIES, what do we mean exactly? Highbush (cultivated) blueberries Available frozen, dried and canned including juice and puree Commercially grown in 38 states
Blueberries in the News
Get Excited about Blueberries! USHBC campus blueberry promotions Budget available to support week-long promotions on campuses We have the resources
What’s Up with Blueberries? Your customers like BLUEBERRIES! Breakfast, lunch, dinner, grab-n-go, snacks, late-night, C-stores With their super easy-to-use versatility Distinct color and flavor
Get Excited about Blueberries! A successful blueberry promotion takes team work foodservice/ Campus-friendly recipes Customizable “Campus Promotions Kit” Logos and photos Promotion ideas and inspiration
Campus Promotions Kit blueberry-promotions-kit /
Campus-Friendly Recipe Database mpus-foodservice/campus-friendly-recipes/
Examples of Great Work Menu Madness Best Blueberry Smoothie Contest Chef Tables with demos and tastings Free blueberry desserts
Examples of Great Work Blueberry Festival Special menu items National Nutrition Month tie-in
Examples of Great Work “Iron Chef Texas” Blueberries “secret” ingredient Video submissions Fan favorites chosen by ‘likes’ on Facebook Finalists paired up with a chef from the dining service
Examples of Great Work Blueberries Cram for Menu Finals Blueberry Milkshake Slurping Contest Gentlemen, Start Your Blueberries Friday Free Giveaway ‘Blueberry Boy’
Examples of Great Work “Blueberry Week” It’s All in the Presentation Farmers Market with Blueberry Style Blueberry Trivia
Get Excited about Blueberries! For more information or to set a date for your successful campus blueberry promotion Joanne Tehrani, MPH, RD