How do Chinese people greet each other in formal situations? Lead-in.


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Presentation transcript:

How do Chinese people greet each other in formal situations? Lead-in

Thailand South America Middle East USA The Netherlands Japan

Why do you think people in different countries greet each other in different ways? Lead-in

chopsticks Chinese chopsticks Western fork and knife Other customs that are different in different parts of the world

Chinese weddingKorean wedding Wedding in Western countries

Japanese Arab

Cultural differences greeting ways eating and clothes festivals wedding customs body language

Cultural differences

Please go through the dialogue quickly and then answer several questions. (1)Which country is Waled from? (2)Where does Peter come from? (3)What does Ma Li think about learning about cultural differences? Fast reading

(1)Which country is Waled from? (2)Where does Peter come from? (3)What does Ma Li think about learning about cultural differences? He is from Brunei. He comes from UK. She thinks it a good way to understand more about each other.

Fast reading: Scan the text and choose the best answer according to the text. (1)Ma Li , Waled and Peter chat with each other________. A . in the student center B . at a meeting C . on the Internet D . in the street (2)When you receive a present from a friend in the UK , you should________. A . open it immediately B . put it aside and open it later C . refuse it immediately D . give it to another one to keep it for you

(3)What do people think can ensure good luck for the marriage in a wedding in Korea? A . a live rooster B . a live hen C . a dead rooster D . a dead hen (4)Which finger should you use to point in Brunei? A . the first finger B . the second finger C . the thumb D . the last finger (5)Bonfire Night is held in which country? A . America B . In Korea C . In China D . In the UK

Careful reading: . T or F questions (1)In Korea , if the hen laid an egg during the ceremony , it will be considered lucky for the new couple. (2)In Brunei , at wedding receptions the bride and the bridegroom will sit together. (3)In Brunei , soft drinks , tea , coffee and alcohol will be served at wedding receptions. (4)Even though people share the same language in America and England , all their customs are not alike. (5)People celebrate Bonfire Night on December 5th every year in the UK. November in separate areas

Detailed reading

to see the receiver’s reaction If not, strange, rude the UK the USA open the present the moment he is given it do the same Part One (lines 1-15)

Part Two (lines 16-32) What are the differences in a wedding between Korea and Brunei?

CountryCulture In Korea Roosters are ________to drive bad spirits away from the wedding ________while hens are thought to ________good luck for the marriage. In Brunei At wedding receptions men and women sit in________ areas. Alcohol are not ________ . They will play loud drums to celebrate the wedding for hours and even __________the night. supposed ceremony ensure separate permitted throughout

If you went to a wedding in____, you wouldn’t expect any alcohol. A. The USA B. the UK C. Italy D. Brunei

Part Three (lines 33-40) 1. How should you point in Brunei? A. B. C. D. 2. You don’t have to take off your shoes before going into someone’s house.

Part Four (lines41-52) 1. When will it be celebrated every year? 2. What will people do ? On November 5 th every year. People light large fires outside,and everyone gathers and has a party. There are plenty of fireworks, and everyone eats hot dogs and other food that can be cooked over the fire.

▲Do you think it necessary or not to learn about cultural differences? Why? Discussion :

—to broaden our horizons (眼界,视野) ; —to get a better understanding…; —to help strengthen relations with…; —to avoid unnecessary mistakes and embarrassment; —to communicate freely and effectively; —to be a polite person Benefits of learning cultural differences:

假如你是马丽,从与网友韦德和皮特的交谈中得到一些文化差异的例子结合自身 情况,以文化差异为题完成一篇作文。要求如下: Writing 例子 感恩 节 美国人讲起来滔滔,火鸡,纪念定居美洲的第一 个丰收。 英国人对之一无所知。中国人亦如此。 礼物在西方,一收到就拆 在中国,单独拆 用手 指 在中国以及很多国家用食指,在文莱用大拇指, 觉得用食指不礼貌。 好处避免不必要的错误和尴尬 更好的理解和交流 举止礼貌 个人观点态度,建议。。。(至少两点) 火鸡: turkey 文莱 :Brunei 不少于 150 个字 Nowadays, cultural differences is becoming a hot topic, as more and more people are interested in it. Here I’ll give you some examples._______________________ __________________________________________________________________

Homework 1.Finish the composition 2.Please search for more cultural differences. 3.Review what we have leant today.