Affordable Care Act (Overview of the Administration for Children & Families) Affordable Care Act (Overview of the Administration for Children & Families) U. S. Department of Health & Human Services Administration for Children & Families, Region IV Atlanta, Georgia 1
Presenter Carlis Williams Southeast Regional Administrator Administration for Children and Families U.S. Department of Health and Human Services Atlanta, Georgia 2
THE ADMINISTRATION FOR CHILDREN AND FAMILIES The Administration for Children and Families (ACF), located within the Department of Health and Human Services, provides national leadership and direction for the administration of comprehensive and supportive programs for vulnerable children and families. The Administration for Children and Families (ACF), located within the Department of Health and Human Services, provides national leadership and direction for the administration of comprehensive and supportive programs for vulnerable children and families. 3
WHAT ARE THE PROGRAM SERVICES? ACF brings together a broad range of over 60 Federal programs that promote the economic and social well being of families, children, individuals and communities. Major program services include: ACF brings together a broad range of over 60 Federal programs that promote the economic and social well being of families, children, individuals and communities. Major program services include: TANF (Temporary Assistance to Needy Families) TANF (Temporary Assistance to Needy Families) Child Care and Development Fund (CCDF) Child Care and Development Fund (CCDF) Child Support Enforcement Child Support Enforcement Child Welfare Child Welfare Developmental Disabilities Developmental Disabilities Runaway and Homeless Youth Runaway and Homeless Youth Head Start Head Start Community Services Block Grant Community Services Block Grant 4
TANF (TEMPORARY ASSISTANCE TO NEEDY FAMILIES) and the ACA TANF provides time-limited assistance to needy families with children to: TANF provides time-limited assistance to needy families with children to: promote work promote work responsibility responsibility self-sufficiency self-sufficiency 5
CHILD CARE AND DEVELOPMENT FUND (CCDF) Child Care and Development Fund (CCDF) assists low- income families, families receiving temporary public assistance, and those transitioning from public assistance, in obtaining child care so they can work or attend educational training. Child Care and Development Fund (CCDF) assists low- income families, families receiving temporary public assistance, and those transitioning from public assistance, in obtaining child care so they can work or attend educational training. 6
CHILD SUPPORT ENFORCEMENT Child Support Enforcement program seeks to ensure that parents provide emotional and financial support for their children. Services provided include: Child Support Enforcement program seeks to ensure that parents provide emotional and financial support for their children. Services provided include: Locating non-custodial parents Locating non-custodial parents Establishing paternity and child support orders Establishing paternity and child support orders Establishing and enforcing medical support orders Establishing and enforcing medical support orders Securing/distributing regular and timely child support payments Securing/distributing regular and timely child support payments 7
CHILD WELFARE Child Welfare focuses on the national goals of safety, permanency and the well being of children: Child Welfare focuses on the national goals of safety, permanency and the well being of children: Foster care/Adoption Assistance Foster care/Adoption Assistance Independent Living Program Independent Living Program Family Preservation and Family Support Services Family Preservation and Family Support Services Child Abuse and Neglect Prevention and Treatment Child Abuse and Neglect Prevention and Treatment Promoting Safe and Stable Families Promoting Safe and Stable Families 8
RUNAWAY AND HOMELESS YOUTH Runaway and Homeless Youth Program (RHY) began in 1974, in response to concern about increasing numbers of runaway youth who were exposed to exploitation and the dangers of street life. It has subsequently been expanded to: Runaway and Homeless Youth Program (RHY) began in 1974, in response to concern about increasing numbers of runaway youth who were exposed to exploitation and the dangers of street life. It has subsequently been expanded to: assist homeless youth on short-term basis assist homeless youth on short-term basis assist homeless youth in making the transition to independent living assist homeless youth in making the transition to independent living assist homeless youth with drug education and prevention services assist homeless youth with drug education and prevention services 9
DEVELOPMENTAL DISABILTIES Developmental Disabilities Program assists individuals with developmental disabilities to reach maximum potential through increased independence, productivity and community integration. Developmental Disabilities Program assists individuals with developmental disabilities to reach maximum potential through increased independence, productivity and community integration. Funding to support these services is provided to State Developmental Disabilities Councils, Protection and Advocacy Programs, University Center for Excellence in Developmental Disabilities and to Projects of National Significance. Funding to support these services is provided to State Developmental Disabilities Councils, Protection and Advocacy Programs, University Center for Excellence in Developmental Disabilities and to Projects of National Significance. 10
HEAD START Head Start is a national program which provides comprehensive developmental services for America’s low-income, preschool children ages three to five and social services for their families. Head Start is a national program which provides comprehensive developmental services for America’s low-income, preschool children ages three to five and social services for their families. The Head Start Act Amendments of 1994 established the Early Head Start program, which expands the benefits of early childhood development to low income families with children under three and to pregnant women. The Head Start Act Amendments of 1994 established the Early Head Start program, which expands the benefits of early childhood development to low income families with children under three and to pregnant women. 11
Tribal Maternal, Infant, and Early Childhood Home Visiting Program The Maternal, Infant, and Early Childhood Home Visiting Programs are authorized by Section 511 of Title V, as added by the Affordable Care Act,. The Maternal, Infant, and Early Childhood Home Visiting Programs are authorized by Section 511 of Title V, as added by the Affordable Care Act,. Authorizes the award grants to Indian Tribes, Tribal Organizations or Urban Indian Organizations to operate evidence-based home visiting programs in at-risk Tribal communities. Authorizes the award grants to Indian Tribes, Tribal Organizations or Urban Indian Organizations to operate evidence-based home visiting programs in at-risk Tribal communities. Home visiting services provided under this grant are meant to improve child and family outcomes focusing on areas such as prenatal, maternal, and infant health, child health and development, parenting skills, school readiness, and family socio-economic status, and reduce incidence of child abuse and neglect, injuries, crime, and domestic violence. Home visiting services provided under this grant are meant to improve child and family outcomes focusing on areas such as prenatal, maternal, and infant health, child health and development, parenting skills, school readiness, and family socio-economic status, and reduce incidence of child abuse and neglect, injuries, crime, and domestic violence. 12
ACF Program Initiatives ASSETS. ASSETS. Positive Youth Development Positive Youth Development Healthy Marriage (AAHMI, Hispanic, Asian Pacific and Native American). Healthy Marriage (AAHMI, Hispanic, Asian Pacific and Native American). Responsible Fatherhood Responsible Fatherhood Faith-Based and Neighborhood Partnerships Faith-Based and Neighborhood Partnerships Human Trafficking Human Trafficking 13
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