Math: Model Curriculum Each unit will have 2 – 3 quizzes and one Unit Assessment. Multiplication Homework: Weekly Reading Log given out on Monday and due the following Monday
Math: Math Binder- Students store notes from mini- lessons and keep track of their math notes.
Math: Five Units- Unit One: Use the four operations with whole numbers to solve problems. Unit Two: Compute with multi-digit whole numbers. Generate equivalent fractions. Unit Three: Properties of operations with multi-digit arithmetic and addition/subtraction with fractions. Unit Four: Extend understanding of fractions and solve word problems. Introduction to decimals. Unit Five: Compare decimals and measure/classify geometric figures.
Grammar: Scott Foresman parts of speech Grammar Gremlins Quizzes will be every Thursday
Writing: Model Curriculum Writer’s Workshop Science: Alternate mid-marking period. Students go to Mrs. Mitcho for Science. Science units include: Getting Ready for Science, Life Cycles, Changes to the Earth’s Surface, Simple Machines
Social Studies: New Jersey Four Units Unit 1 – New Jersey’s Land and Early People Unit 2 – Exploration to Early Statehood Unit 3 – Progress as a State Unit 4 – New Jersey Today First half of each marking period is Social Studies Packets Study Guides Quizzes/Tests
Homework that is brought back unfinished or missing= ZERO until handed in, then ten points off for each day it was late. *same rule applies to classwork /write a note if it cannot be completed due to extenuating circumstances.
50% Tests and Large Projects 35% Quizzes and Small Projects 15% Classwork and Homework This applies to all major subject areas (Spelling, Reading, Math, Writing, S.S., Science) Powerschool-Grades are updated at least once a week. Please check and me with concerns you may have.
Think Green System Parent contact for repeated offenses/red lights. Incentives: Daily Points are given to individual students and can be cashed in on the last Friday of the month.
Fourth Grade is peanut/treenut free. All snacks sent in must list ingredients and must be free of any nut ingredient. No food on the bus- Drop off snacks to the office. Extras snacks are disposed of unless noted that you would like to pick them up.
Weekly newsletter- posted online every Friday. Check Mrs. Mitcho’s website for Reading/Science info. Preferred method of contact: Check the website for questions regarding the classroom. It is updated frequently.
“So be sure when you step, Step with care and great tact. And remember that life's A Great Balancing Act. And will you succeed? Yes! You will, indeed! (98 and ¾ percent guaranteed) Kid, you'll move mountains.” ― Dr. Seuss, Oh, The Places You'll Go!Dr. SeussOh, The Places You'll Go!
Mrs. Mitcho will be here to speak to you about Reading, Spelling and Science. After her presentation please remember to write a note to your child before leaving. Thank you, Mrs. Cicchini & Mrs. Dougherty