Test iPad 12 August Account used: Can the icon have the circles round (not elliptic)? Be a white background? And named TSM Tablet? 12/8: OK for Icon but Name of the App still not set to “TSM Tablet”
Wrong set of logo, refer to updated one given in KK slide and given again in next slide Text box goes below the grey box, hidding the bottom line of the grey box. Increase size of grey box Previous version
The logos are truncated (missing Telkomsel, Telkomcel and Viva. In height, the words Africa and Sri Lanka do not appear under Airtel, are you using the right banner as given by KK and repeated below? The system icons have disappear, why? (see previous screen for reference on previous version) Delivery of 8 Aug
Delivery of 8 Aug: issue error message I have encountered a few time the following strange error message, mainly after idling for a while so I suspect due to disconnexion from server. (please see to catch that gracefully). Nevertheless, in the case of this screenshot, I got it after switching to Gmail to send screenshot and coming back to TSM screen (not even yet connected, so cannot be a connexion timeout issue) Any update on having persistant password so that user do not need to enter login/pwd each time?
Delivery of 8 Aug: issue orientation of screen I have noticed the following: if I use the iPad in landscape orientation with Home button on the right side, then the login screen display correctly If I use the iPad in landscape mode, with home button on the left and launch the App, then the login screen is upside down! Note: I have checked that the rotation of screen is of course enabled
The background image is not the vector image given but a copy/paste of the one given in slide, please use the vector image Home screen (12/8) The system icons have disappear, why? Where does this blue box behind the icon comes from? It should display the background image. In addition, the different area (Top banner, middle icons, bottom “menu” icons) are disproportionate (everything squashed to the top), please see next slide
Home screen (12/8) If possible (if not, pls explain why): * Increase (a bit) the height of the Top bar so that Operator logo is bigger (and remember to leave some space for the iOS system icons Lower the middle tiles (Blue & green) toward the center Move the 4 bottom tiles further to the bottom Move the 4 bottom menu icons lower at the same position as in all other screens (currently they are higher only on the home screen (?))
The buttons should be on the left side to be the symetric of previous screen Center ALL legends For ALL graphs: make the font slightly bigger Screen from previous version kept as reference
FOR ALL GRAPHS: Size of the legend & axis legend: it has not been made bigger. I Saw your comment on Android slides that it depends of the resolution of the screen used. In that case, you must dynamically set the size of the font in function of the size of the screen (known by function call). Do the test “can I read it without glasses?” until you are able to read without issue. Center ALL legends: we are checking with Logi, but according from initial feedback, this is possible Updated Screen 8/8: cyclic order look good and seems to work well (smooth and stable on iOS), thanks! Screen is not symetrical with the 2 dot-dot positionned here, is it possible to put them in corner top right?
The buttons should be on the left side to be the symetric of previous screen
If 2 screens Suggested Presentation of the “dot-dot” in function of number of screens If 4 screens If 6 screens
Graph of cost center does not appear at all! Not fixed
12/8: issue on all the filter for the multi-selection “drop-down”, where a selection of 1 country + value “All” still give only 1 country, while when selecting the value All, it should automatically select the other countries (please check the behavior on Desktop, this is correct)
Problem of navigation for all the 4-6 subscreens of usage: from the Summary of Usage, if you go first to the Average screen, it displays correctly. Then if you click on “Data” arrow, it does not go to “Average Data”screen but to “Summary Data”. What is strange is that it happens the first time only. When you go Home, then redo the above, it seems to work Cancelled
Feedback on increase of graph and bottom arrow put in the previously “menu area”, looks much much better, and should be OK once the “legend” of the button is added…. Title/ “legend” of the button is missing….(for all such screen)
All Top Usage screens: there is a bug in Desktop version where the X axis values are displayed vertical (while it should be slanted like in Top Spend graphs, this will be corrected on Desktop in future, but in the meantime, can it have the same slanted X-axis presentation as for Top Spend?
Would it be possible like on desktop to have a “button” “Expand all”/”Collapse All” (very difficult to “click” on the “+” sign, is it possible also to make the entire line with the “+” as clickable?)
List of Undefined Number: is it possible to remove the column “Name (Bill feed)”? We will change it also very soon in TSM/desktop, please advise if the table displayed below is dependnat of the desktop version for this display.
On the screens with a table like the ones below, is it possible to freeze the header column so that they are still displayed even when scrolling down?
Remove word Settings and center better the fields (in term of height)