The leading dancer is Tai Lihua ( 邰丽华 ). She is deaf and dumb. ( 聋 哑人 ). How did she give us such a great program?
Mr. Smith Mr. Green Miss. Li
An expert in facial expressions happy surprised angryscared sad proud
An expert in gestures good come here bad good luck Me?
List of our lessons Lesson1: How to show respect for your teacher? Lesson2:Some body language is similar. Lesson3:Some body language is different. Task 1: Task 2: Exercise & Acting A Simple Report Pass
Lesson1 How to show respect for your teacher by using body language?
Lesson1 Body language Respect Handshake Bow
Lesson1 Body language Respect Wave hand & smile smile Suggestion on the text: Shoud not stand too close to him/her, should stand with your hands a little open
Lesson2 Some body language is similar in most countries. Can you give any example?
Lesson2 happy angry fear worry “Loses face” Smile: An universial facial expression it is intended to put people at ease.
Action Feeling/meaning anger agreement protect yourself be interested in sb. Frown and turn back to sb. Close your hand and shake it at someone Nodding the head Look away or yawn Hold your arms across your chest Looking at and turn toward Roll your eyes and turn your head away. threatening sb. be not interested in do not believe or not like something
Some body language is similar in most countries. As one coin has two sides Some body language is in different countries. different
Lesson 3 Some body language is different in different countries. Can you give any example?
Lesson 3 gesturecountrymeaning look directly at some one Asia & South Amercia North America not good behaviour unpolite respect honest
gesturecountrymeaning Thumbs-up the US Nigeria Germany Japan great or good job rude the number one
gesturecountrymeaning Japan Zero Brazil Germany making a circle with one’s thumb and index finger OK most countries Money France Rude
Lesson 3 Summary: Some body language is different in different countries. When in Rome, do as Romes do. (入 乡 随 俗)
Task1 Finish the “True or false” Try to use your body language to show your answer,if you are right,you may get If you are wrong, you will get
Task1 1. Body language is less important than spoken language. sometimes more 2. If you are angry at a person, you might turn your back to him or her.
Task1 3. You can threaten a person by frowning. You do not threaten a person by frowning. You threaten a person by physical action.
Task1 4. If you stand with your arms across your body, you are always protecting yourself from being physically attacked. You may be protecting yourself from a conversation you do not want, or you may be showing that you do not agree with someone.
Task1 5. If you sit looking away from a person, or with your back turned, you are saying you are not interested in that person. 6. You should not greet your new boss by giving her or him a hug.
Task1 7. Body language is the same all over the world. Body language is sometimes the same, but it is sometimes quite different. 8. Body language can help us understand each other but sometimes we can also misunderstand others.
Task 2 After you learned about body language from our school: Why body lanuage is so important in our daily life? Can you suggest some jobs in which using body language is very important?
Task2 ploiceman model
Task2 judgment finger language teacher
Task2 comedianattendant
Body Language School