The enhancement of the Ozarks By: Andy Wenger, Rachael Reinke, and Taylor Van Gilder
PROJECT X The project we have created for next school year will be called Project X. We are planning to get together each month and help out our community. Some of the days we will team up with our C.S.I group go clean up downtown Hollister. One of those days we are planning to go work with the Early Childhood Center. Another day we plan on going to the Elementary. And then we plan on going to the Middle school. In each of these school’s we plan on having a canned food drive where in every first hour you bring in canned food and whichever class has the most gets a big prize.
EARLY CHILDHOOD CENTER When we go to the Early Childhood Center we plan on taking enough students for each classroom and having a reading day. We are also considering a field day for all of the students.
ELEMENTARY DAY For the Elementary day we plan on getting a large group of our student body together, while helping teachers, help students be more interactive and efficient in the classroom. We will also help during recess to play and bring joy to each of the students. During Christmas time we can get together with all of the children and make cards for the elderly in the nursing homes in Hollister. We will also make cards for our Veterans and our troops. We also plan on joining with the Shoe Box for soldiers.
MIDDLE SCHOOL DAY We hope to go over to the middle school and help out in the classrooms. After, we plan on having a really big movie day. To decide on the movie, we will have a roster set up of five movies and we will let the kids pick out which movie they want to watch. We will have popcorn and lots of snacks set up for all of the kids.
FAITH FAMILY FRIENDS FLAG AND FUTURE We are able to incorporate most of the above into Project X. Family is incorporated through us helping out the younger kids. Friends is incorporated by all of us uniting and working together to help out. Flag is incorporated through the little projects we are doing like shoe box for soldiers and cards for the veterans. And Future is incorporated through us influencing the younger generations.