Healthcare Communication Skills


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Presentation transcript:

Healthcare Communication Skills Foundation Standard 2: Communications 2.14 Recognize elements of communication using the sender-receiver model. 2.13 Report subjective and objective information. 2.15 Apply speaking and listening skills.

How has the delivery of healthcare in America changed over the past 20 years? Growth of managed care Decreased hospital stays – patients are more responsible for their care Increase in preventable conditions increased need for health education Increased need for improved communication

Healthcare Communication Remember that in a healthcare setting, nonverbal cues are important elements of the communication model. Identify the elements of communication in this illustration. Teacher Notes: The sender is likely a home health nurse or hospice volunteer. The receive is the patient. The message includes an element of caring and encouragement – evidenced by the touch and smile. The feedback is acceptance and/or agreement by the patient, who appears to be smiling at the healthcare worker.

Nonverbal Communication Can a healthcare workers facial expressions create anxiety for a patient? How? Do you think healthcare workers smile enough? Why? What type of body language sends message of impatience? When is the use of touch appropriate/inappropriate in healthcare setting? Has technology improved or negatively impacted communication? Explain.

Barriers to Communication What type of barrier do each of the following try to improve? Eye contact Speak slowly Patience Respect

Healthcare Information can be Subjective or Objective Cannot be seen or felt Often called symptoms Usually statements or complaints from the patient Use the patient’s exact words Teacher Notes: The next 5 slides will help students learn the difference between objective and subjective information.

Subjective Symptoms I think I’m gonna throw up. My tummy hurts. It’s really sore on my chest. I don’t feel very good.

Healthcare Information can be Subjective or Objective Can be seen or measured Often called signs Information collected by the senses

Objective Signs of Illness Pulse rapid, irregular and thready Skin cold and clammy No respirations Lips cyanotic

Subjective or Objective? Coughing Fatigue Headache Foul smelling breath Did not eat anything Speech slurred Joints ache Nervousness Objective Subjective Teacher Notes: This slide gives you the opportunity to determine if students know the difference between objective and subjective information. You can have them write their answers on scratch paper before revealing the correct response. Recognize those students who answer all 8 correctly.

Elements of Communication Sender Receiver Feedback Message Teacher Notes: Describe the elements of the communication model.

Communication Model Questions What could happen to block any of the elements of communication? Is the message always verbal? Is the feedback always verbal? What interruptions or distractions could interfere with communication? Teacher Notes: First question – have students give examples of situations that would block any of the elements of communication. Pages 86-88 in Diversified Health Occupations, 7th edition, contains a number of examples.

Feedback Methods Paraphrasing – reword the sender’s message and ask for confirmation. Dr. Smith: “I think Mrs. Jones needs more aggressive treatment for her anxiety.” Dr. Shevlin: “So you think we should order an antidepressant?” Teacher Notes: Show the example. Ask students to think of another way of paraphrasing Dr. Smith’s statement.

Feedback Methods Reflecting – prompts the sender to add more detail to the original message. Dr. Smith: “I think Mrs. Jones needs more aggressive treatment for her anxiety.” Dr. Shevlin: “So you think we should order her medication, such as…?” Teacher Notes: Show the example. Ask students to think of another way of paraphrasing Dr. Smith’s statement.

Feedback Methods Asking Questions – request clarification or more additional information. Dr. Smith: “I think Mrs. Jones needs more aggressive treatment for her anxiety.” Dr. Shevlin: “Why? Is her current treatment not controlling her anxiety?” Teacher Notes: Show the example. Ask students to think of another way of paraphrasing Dr. Smith’s statement.

Feedback Methods Requesting examples – examples can help explain or clarify meaning. Dr. Smith: “I think Mrs. Jones needs more aggressive treatment for her anxiety.” Dr. Shevlin: “What kind of treatment are you thinking about?” Teacher Notes: Show the example. Ask students to think of another way of paraphrasing Dr. Smith’s statement.

Obtaining Feedback Respond to this call to a veterinary office from a pet owner. Paraphrasing Reflecting Asking questions Requesting examples I need to make an appointment for my dog. She’s not doing very well. Teacher notes; Ask students to imagine themselves as a receptionist at a Veterinary office. Have them give examples of each type of feedback.

Rules for Effective Communication Message must be clear Sender must deliver message clearly and concisely Receiver must be able to hear and receive the message Receiver must be able to understand the message Interruption or distractions must be avoided Teacher notes: This slide summarizes the key points of the communication model.

Speaking Skills Speak appropriately to age/status of receiver. Use appropriate terminology or words. Ask open-ended questions. Speak slowly and clearly. Try to be eye-level with receiver. Make sure your non-verbal is consistent with your words. Teacher Notes: Call on a student to explain “why” for each point. Explain the difference between open-ended and closed-ended questions.

Listening Skills Show interest and concern. Stay alert and maintain eye contact. Avoid interrupting. Pay attention to what speaker is saying. Avoid planning your response while speaker is talking. Teacher Notes: Stress the importance of active listening in the healthcare professions.

Listening Skills Try to see other person’s point of view. Find a quiet or private location. Watch speaker’s facial expressions for consistency with words. Ask for clarification when needed. Maintain a positive attitude.