1FOR AGENT USE ONLY. NOT TO BE USED FOR CONSUMER SOLICITATION PURPOSES. North American Marketing Materials How to Use Communications to Help Increase Your Sales NAP /13
2FOR AGENT USE ONLY. NOT TO BE USED FOR CONSUMER SOLICITATION PURPOSES. How to Showcase North American’s Marketing Materials to Help You Increase Sales NAP /13
3FOR AGENT USE ONLY. NOT TO BE USED FOR CONSUMER SOLICITATION PURPOSES. Showcase North American’s Marketing Materials to Help Increase Sales Available Marketing Materials for North American Company Where to Access Marketing Materials Best Practices for Use NAP /13
4FOR AGENT USE ONLY. NOT TO BE USED FOR CONSUMER SOLICITATION PURPOSES. Available Marketing Materials for North American Company NAP /13
5FOR AGENT USE ONLY. NOT TO BE USED FOR CONSUMER SOLICITATION PURPOSES. Marketing Materials for Just About Every Need Printed Materials Products & Services: Agent Product Guides, Tip Sheets, Flyers, Brochures, Post Cards Sales Concept Kits: Agent Guide, Consumer Brochure, Agent Checklist and Case Flyer, Consumer Worksheet, Agent and Consumer Postcards NAP /13
6FOR AGENT USE ONLY. NOT TO BE USED FOR CONSUMER SOLICITATION PURPOSES. Marketing Materials for Just About Every Need (Continued) Videos Video: Both Agent and Consumer Sales Concept Videos NAP /13
7FOR AGENT USE ONLY. NOT TO BE USED FOR CONSUMER SOLICITATION PURPOSES. Where to Access Marketing Materials Visit us online at NAP /13 Click on the Sales & Marketing Tab at the Top and Select Order Marketing Materials
8FOR AGENT USE ONLY. NOT TO BE USED FOR CONSUMER SOLICITATION PURPOSES. Where to Access Marketing Materials (Continued) Order Marketing Materials NAP /13 On the Order Marketing Materials Page You Can Access Both Supply Warehouse & Forms Factory
9FOR AGENT USE ONLY. NOT TO BE USED FOR CONSUMER SOLICITATION PURPOSES. Where to Access Marketing Materials (Continued) Sales Concept Materials NAP /13 Also Under the Sales & Marketing Tab, You’ll Find Sales Concepts.
10FOR AGENT USE ONLY. NOT TO BE USED FOR CONSUMER SOLICITATION PURPOSES. Where to Access Marketing Materials (Continued) Agent Sales Concept Videos NAP /13 Under the Training Center Tab, You’ll Find Sales Concepts Videos.
11FOR AGENT USE ONLY. NOT TO BE USED FOR CONSUMER SOLICITATION PURPOSES. Where to Access Marketing Materials (Continued) Consumer Sales Concept Videos NAP /13 Consumer Sales Concept Videos Available Right from the Home Page!
12FOR AGENT USE ONLY. NOT TO BE USED FOR CONSUMER SOLICITATION PURPOSES. So, What Do You Do with All of These Materials? Tips & Action Items to Start Today Develop a plan: Keep it simple – focus on a particular product or sales concept each month or quarter Example: July, August, and September—focus on pension maximization using life insurance. October, November, and December—promote the retirement planning concept. NAP /13
13FOR AGENT USE ONLY. NOT TO BE USED FOR CONSUMER SOLICITATION PURPOSES. Tips & Action Items to Start Today 7 Powerful Ways to Help Drive Sales with Marketing Materials 1.Send a Sales Concept Postcard to 5 Clients: Follow up in 10 days with a phone call to ask them about the postcard. 2.Forward a Consumer Sales Concept Video to 7-10 Clients: Ask them to watch the video and let them know you’ll follow up in three days to answer any questions. Or review the video together in person or over the phone. 3. or Mail a Consumer Brochure to 10 Clients: Include a handwritten Post-it-note on the brochure or put a message in the about ways you can help meet their needs. NAP /13
14FOR AGENT USE ONLY. NOT TO BE USED FOR CONSUMER SOLICITATION PURPOSES. Tips & Action Items to Start Today (Continued) 4. Be Consistent: Whatever your focus, include an signature with something relevant (ask for a referral or pose a question). Include a promotional message on your voic . 5. Use a Brochure as a Leave Behind: After a client meeting, leave a brochure about the product or topic you just discussed. Personalize it with a quick note about next steps or a key item discussed. 6. Use a Fact Finder: Each North American sales concept kit includes a client worksheet that gathers relevant information that you can use to help meet their needs. 7. Gain Warm Introductions to People Who Need Your Services: Write a note on a brochure or postcard to new clients asking if they know of someone else who may benefit from your services. NAP /13